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Isaac’s 1st Thanksgiving – Our week Part 1 & 2

Catching up on sorting through pictures after our crazy week and weekend! (By the way—one of the questions I get MOST is “How do you do everything you do???” Well, lemme tell ya…it’s NOT perfect. And my house isn’t ALWAYS clean…in fact it probably rarely is. I feel like I spend ALL day chasing kids and picking up, picking up, picking up…and my blog is simply my way of retreating a bit and documenting our lives–because I seriously doubt I’ll be able to remember much with my lack of sleep + our adventureous lives. SO…there ya go–who wants to see some pictures of my laundry room right now??? Maybe next time;).


Okay…SOOO…first–last week I decided to be adventureous and load up all 4 kiddos and (just for fun;) drive 4.5 hours by myself to Tennessee!!! Rico Suave couldn’t come up until Wednesday night–and since our kids go to a school that had the ENTIRE week off…we took off at the beginning of the week and decided to meet up with friends before the family fun began. SOOO…our first stop was to Kristi’s house (momma of Lucy Lane). Kristi was the VERY first person I ever emailed about adoption–you know…just those initial questions…before Rico Suave and I had ever really talked seriously even about growing our family again. She emailed me back–and some how a friendship was born! We used the same agency (AGCI) and we just connected–and I just love her family!!! EVERY time we come to town she is so amazing and organizes a little agency playdate for us to see several families we have also connected with. Here are some of the mommas…me, Gwen (147 Millon Orphans), Vanessa (who brought home Sam weeks after us and I got to love on him when we were in ET!), Kristi (Lucy Lane’s momma) and Amy (Elijah and Isaac were at Hannah’s Hope TOGETHER!!!). Rachel Overton joined us too…but she had to jet away before we snagged this photo!

It was almost impossible and hilarious to ATTEMPT to get a few pictures of our Hannah’s Hope babies together!!!SERIOUSLY…are they not the CUTEST group you have EVER seen?!

Here are the two boys…Elijah and Isaac—oh stop my beating heart!!! Love these boys!Watch out ladies!!!


THEN…we headed off to Richard’s family’s place—and thankfully he joined us Wednesday night! It was overcast on Wednesday and the lighting was just right…so I thought I’d attempt some pictures. Is it just me or once you have 4 kids it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get pictures of them ALL looking and ALL smiling?? Oh well! I’ll take what I can get these days!!!

OK…for you FRANK fans—friends always crack up that this boy is for the most part expressionless—SOOOO here is a peak into his sweet personality!!!! (and of course a few “typical Frank” pictures!!! Pictures of Frank wouldn’t be complete without his serious faces too!!!)

Here’s a new Frank-face for ya!!! This is him talking to himself about the tractor he sees…

And ya WANNA KNOW something REALLY SPECIAL about this spot Laney is standing in?!?!? This is where Richard asked me to marry him!!!! Yep–this is the property he grew up coming to as this is where his dad grew up and his grandparents lived!!! Now his aunt and uncle live here–and ONE DAY I’ll have to tell you our really sweet engagement story!! (He drove me all the way here to ask me RIGHT HERE!!!)

And then 7 short years later we have a 6 year old, 5 year old, 2 year old and 1 year old. As they walked up that hill and I grabbed this shot I thought about that day that looked a lot like this when he asked me to be his bride…and now 4 kids later…

Okay–isn’t he just the cutest thing??? Can I say that?! I mean–seriously–and even better is HIS HEART!!

We took a little inside break with Aunt Bec. Laney LOOOVES her Aunt Bec!!! Aunt Bec is Richard’s dads sister…

We also discovered a few things during Isaac’s FIRST Thanksgiving…like Isaac does NOT like golf carts…

He doesn’t like dead grass (we’ve only had him home since July so there hasn’t been prickly grass just yet!)…and I really wish you could see Frank interact with ITY in person–because he adores him and cares for him. He’s trying to help him put his feet down here…

Daddy tries to show him it’s nothing to be scared of…

OKAY…I know this post is getting redonkulously long…but I have to catch up and these pictures are hilarious to me!!!

If I was a bettin’ girl I’d say Frank is gonna be a baller…how funny is he getting his game on?

And best of all is his stance and hearing him scream, “HUT! HUT! HUT!”

I bet he’s not the only baller in our bunch…

My…these kids just MELT MY HEART!!!

The only REAL problem;) we have is Laney ALWAYS comes home asking for the SAME thing (thanks to cousin Emily…Laney things she needs one of these)…

What do you think??? You think the Young’s need a dog??? I didn’t think so. I think we have our hands full for now:)

I mean SERIOUSLY…turn your back for one second and Frank is doing stuff like this…

a little coolio bonding with Em and Uncle Buck…

And SPEAKING of ballers—are you ready for the Auburn/South Carolina game THIS Saturday?!

Okay, you all know how I feel about football–but I might just watch some of it…but it IS Laney’s Rainbow party day and let me just say a rainbow wig and rainbow song sung to a group of cutie pie girls is what is FIRST on my agenda for Saturday!!!

None the less…War Eagle:)

Whew!!! That was QUITE the post!!! Tomorrow is a CRAZY busy day for us with a visit to the pulmonologist…a princess ballet party…our post-adoption family interview…AND our weekly dinner with the Dentons!!! I promise my stockings and tree skirt tutorial is coming!!! And I can’t wait to show you what Martha Stewart inspired me to do on our staircase railing. AND on a “It’s a Girl Thing” update…we are getting the kits all packed up and ready to send over with Wiphan’s December team (aka: my sister and her hubby!!!). IF you are still sewing away–take a deep breath and no rush!!! They won’t leave until the 26th! Some projects may have to travel over in 2011…so take your time and ENJOY your family!!! There is plenty of time to continue blessing the widows and girls of Ethiopia and Zambia!!! Oh…and of course Part 4 of our break is to come…a sneak peak into how we unwind after a crazy week!

Hope you all have a GREAT week!!!



abby - November 30, 2010 - 12:43 am

love this long post and your family! 4 of the most adorable kids on the planet…with such a sweet, loving mama. oh and maybe in your spare time (haha) you can do a photography post. I LOVE your pictures.

kristi johnson - November 30, 2010 - 12:51 am

too cute…loved havin yall…wish I could take pics like you..but that means I’d have to actually clean my lens and take care of my camera 🙂 lol LL couldn’t drag it around anymore 🙂 kj

Stephanie Coelho - November 30, 2010 - 8:25 am

I love you pictures! Esp love the one with Frank and Isaac looking at each other:)

Brenda - November 30, 2010 - 8:37 am

Adorable pictures of your family. Thanks for sharing.


Susan - November 30, 2010 - 8:42 am

Andrea, I just started reading your blog courtesy of Cristie Montgomery. Your kid pictures remind me of a family “joke” – that there is no picture of us seven siblings in existence where one of the four boys was not making an ugly face of some sort at having to have a picture taken! 10 years ago at a family party, someone took a pic of my brothers & my dad together- and they were ALL smiling!

Lara - November 30, 2010 - 9:17 am

Amy was the first person I talked to about adoption. We both have sons named Cade and she shared so much encouraging information about adoption and AGCI. Love that gal!

I also love Laney’s crazy boots!

And not to sound weird, but your pictures are fantastic. If you lived nearby, I would arrange playdates with our kids JUST for the pictures. Okay, maybe not just for the pictures, but they would definitely be an added bonus!! Can I just bring my entire family to Created to Care so you can photograph us all??? Hahahahaha!

chris anne - November 30, 2010 - 10:51 am

I ordered 2 shirts from the created to care retreat and was wondering when they would come in.

JJ Roberson - November 30, 2010 - 11:00 am

WAREAGLE!! What a year it’s been huh? I keep checking your blog but I haven’t commented on your blog in a long time. We’ve been home since Feb. with our 2 from Ethiopia and our “surprise” baby was born in Sept. We named her after one of the nannies in Ethiopia. I love keeping up with your blog. We are going to try the fabric wreath you just posted. Maybe in Auburn colors??? =)

Sara - November 30, 2010 - 11:59 am

Love the pictures and, yes, capturing a good shot with four kids is nearly impossible! I had to cut and paste heads for this year’s Christmas card. Hehehe!

april - November 30, 2010 - 12:19 pm

i love all your pictures andrea…such amazing pics and i love how you took a pic of your daughter standing in the place where you were proposed to by your hubby…how precious! I look forward to hearing that story! You have some of the most adorable kids!

Dawn - November 30, 2010 - 2:27 pm

I know it isn’t a good thing….but I am sooo jealous of all the people you get to see so often 🙂 Hmmm…..may have to travel back to Nashville for next year again 🙂 This time we need to meet 🙂

Love all of your pics- your kids are sooo CUTE!!!!!! And I think Isaac and Joanna need to meet 🙂

Alison - November 30, 2010 - 5:29 pm

Love the pictures!! Looks like ya’ll had a greatr Thanksgiving!!!

Megan - December 2, 2010 - 1:29 am

Oh my gosh! I LOOOOOVEE those Frankie pictures! He is too cute! And the pimp glasses on ITY are a definate keeper =)