When your name is Frankie-baby…you absolutely celebrate half birthdays. We are always looking for reasons to celebrate at our house–so half birthdays provide a good reason. And the children totally think they are legit. Frank was so excited ALL day–and the other children gave him special privileges (getting out of van first, picking the first book to read–you know the important stuff;) because…it was “his birthday”.
Mommy wanted to make a gluten free cake that was delish (selfishly I wanted to indulge as well:). I played it safe and used Pamela’s chocolate cake mix. I wanted to try an icing with agave nectar–so I tried THIS one. She was not lying when she said it was seriously chocolatey!!! If you love chocolate–then this is a great recipe…made with grape seed oil, vanilla extract, cocoa and agave nectar. Rico Suave loved it. I thought it was TOO chocolatey. Think I’ll try THIS one next time as this looks a little more like my kind of icing.
Here’s Frankie baby’s HALF birthday cake!

You gotta love a low key birthday—another reason for you to celebrate half birthdays:) Your party guests…the sister and brothers:)

Loo bear trying to smile with her cheek full…

And THEN…time for the half birthday celebration song! “Happy HALF birthday to you…”

Don’t you just love the faces your child makes when they are being sung to??? This is one of my most favorite things about birthday songs. Yet another reason to celebrate half birthdays…you get to enjoy this more often:)

Now–will someone just get this momma some real birthday candles??!!! (If you are a friend, blog-reader or both–then you know this is SO not the first time I’ve had to use a tea candle on a cake. I get SO close to being on top of it–I just never fully get there!)

And there ya have it. He’s officially 3 1/2!

Each day as I go about my day I find myself thinking of Tetyana (the sweet almost 16 year old who will be with us this summer from an orphanage in the Ukraine). I wonder if I’ll have to switch modes–or if she’ll like regressing a bit into the child-like world that she may have not had the freedom to enjoy fully. (Don’t worry–I’m not putting her in a bedroom with Barbies and Polly Pockets). I find myself cleaning up Laney’s room…picking up her dolls…hanging up her dresses…
Did she have these??? When she sees her doll so delicately dressed…tucked under a blanket in a tiny doll crib…what will she feel? How can I love her best?
Will she want to curl up on the couch with us on movie night or will see sit across the room just wishing…deep down that she could?
And my biggest hearts question–how will we ever let her go? (Don’t worry–we had to sign a contract saying we’d take her back to the airport on August 5th no matter what;). Then what? Because we all know–life for us and for her…will forever look different after that. And that’s where I cry out to the Lord. That’s where we open our hands and our hearts. That’s where we say use us…in any way You want…thy will be done.
Thank you Naomi for sending me the link to one of Tom Davis’s recent posts. THIS is a must read for anyone hosting a child, adopting an older one or following the Lord in a new way and unexpected way.
And this is a must watch for everyone.
Man…am I thankful for our everyday normal…like half birthdays and fun. And I thankful for all that is to come…God is so good all the time.
Blessings to you!
by admin
I dont know why…but I get a feeling that Tetyana will have someone advocate for her. Its like the Lord is telling me that someone will make her a part of their forever family. I dont know if it is you,or someone close to you, but I cant shake the feeling.
hahaha – I thought your tea light candle was a marshmallow!! I say, keep the tradition – your kids will love the memory and who knows how far down in generations it will be passed. =) Excited for you all and Tetyana. What a great summer this will be.
I love the half birthday idea! You’re a wonderful mom and an inspiration to me!