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Following Dreams {everyone has a different purpose}

Oh my.

Tomorrow Richard comes home.


So right after I got home from serving at Created for Care–my sidekick took off for Zambia to love on these little loves…

And while he’s been gone.

We sold our home.

I got the list of “fix its” from the inspection that the buyers wanted. A very detailed inspection asking for 38 items to be done…by us–before the 27th. SO–this momma has been managing caring for 5 littles, homeschooling, flying solo, getting wood around windows replaced, new windows installed, door stops put on, GVAC electric plugs exchanged…big things–little things…

We thought we’d found the perfect farm–but the day before Richard left–it turned out not to be the farm for us. We went back to the farm we’d had our eye on for awhile that needs A LOT of work–but has a lot more land…and he took off–leaving this momma in charge to get it done.

Appraisals. Inspections. Surveys…

All with my 5 little loves tagging along.

And tomorrow–he comes home. And I can’t WAIT!

Yes. We found a farm:)

And we are excited.

It’s peaceful.

It’s 8 miles out from where we are now. Not far–but not a hop, skip and jump away.

It’s quite.

When I see it…and walk out there…and hear the birds and see the momma cow next door feeding her calf…the word SHALOM comes to my mind.






Hello and Goodbye…and the peace all in between.

Richard and I have had a dream to have a farm together for a long time.

Growing up–I always felt like dreams–were…well, just dreams.

But I married this really amazing man–who dreams with me…who shares my dreams…and takes risks to make those dreams happen.

And we all have them.

They all look different.

Mine are not yours.

Yours are not mine.

But they are good.

They have purpose.

They are on our hearts for a reason.


Some hidden.

But there.

And living and pursuing and taking a risk at our dreams feels so vulnerable and scary and “oh my–what if we do this and don’t love it”…but it still feels so right.

As we have taken this step. Following another dream…as we have done in the past with orphan care ( in Zambia)…as we have done with growing our family again and again and again…and as we are doing now in moving to a slower paced atmosphere and trying this farm life…

Others voices some times come in–and make us question.

Be careful.

Be very careful at the voices you here.

And be very careful at the words you speak.

Because we all have different desires.

The Lord has different plans and purposes for each of our lives.

And what we need to do…is LISTEN. To celebrate one another’s different purposes, future, and dreams as they unfold.

Some things I’ve heard the last few weeks…

Just wait until your kids are bigger–you are going to hate living farther out…

I’m worried about you being farther out–I mean…will anyone swing by?

Your life is in the city–won’t you get tired of driving back and forth?

Think of all the time you will be spending in the car?

I mean–I guess it’ll be fine as long as you homeschool forever.

GULP. And fear…it begins to lurk around the corner…but…BUT…instead…

I step back and smile.

Because this is MY dream. Our dream–for our family. And I can hear those things and remember…truth…and remember we live in a fallen world…that likes to remind us why our dreams might not be the best for us…

Deep breath…

Because some times–we are pretty good as putting a damper on other people’s dreams.

Because really–we have to also remember–that the dreamer has probably already worked through all of these things.


Yes. We will drive further. A whole 8 miles.

Yes. 8 miles can be 15 minutes–adding to 30 minutes round trip for soccer or ballet or whatever my loves want to try…and yes–we realize this can be seen as “wasted time” or “time lost”.

Yes. Many probably won’t be swinging by.

And maybe–we will hate it when the kids are bigger like Sally Jane said we would and want to move closer in later…but…

What if.

What if we don’t?

What if we were made for this?

What if our dream is to have families out? And when they come–they experience SHALOM…and it becomes worth an extra 15 minutes to come see us…or for some 30 minutes or more?

What if I told you no one swings by now in my neighborhood because no one has time…because everyone’s too busy (because living in the mix some how makes you more busy some times)–and right here…this mom who doesn’t say “no, I can’t” well–is asked to help here and there or pick extras up…when you think about it…living out for this mom who says yes and offers every single time my ears catch a need…well…it may actually be easier. And I have a feeling–that those who make the hike already to see us because they love us here…will love us and still make the hike there to see us.

And we’ll make the hike to see them too.

And just maybe it won’t be hours off our lives…but rather so much more…so much richer…so much fuller.

So maybe my kids will no longer live in the mix.

But maybe feeding a goat at 5am will do something to their hearts…adding tenderness, compassion and caregiving skills that take them farther in life than just our culdasac would.

And I’m all for the culdasac. Because we’ve done it for 10 years.

But I want to live a life of no retreats, regrets or reserves–and we are excited to step out in this new adventure.

It’s beautiful y’all.


Pictures to come…lots of them I’m sure–promise;).

Next week.

More pictures of the rest of this lovely new place.

We close and move next week…and it will take a lot of work, and a long–spread out–but worth it labor of love.

And I will probably be entertaining my Instagram friends daily with our farming skills and the lack there of as they grow. (Seriously–I spent an hour on the phone with someone selling goats–and she lost me when she said “You just tie up their balls when you don’t want more goats”…um–did SHE just SAY that?) I think farm life is obviously very different–and we are excited and ready and hopeful that others that don’t “get us” will at least smile and say “Go for it!” or “I’m excited to watch!” instead of sprinkling doubt or trying to talk us out of our dreams or causing us to second guess…before it’s “too late”.

But this is how it goes.

With all of us isn’t it?

Whether you are being called to dreams of adoption, fostering, moving away, staying near, ministry, investing more here or there–for a purpose…YOUR purpose…HIS purpose…for YOU.

But such a wonderful reminder that I never want to be the other one…

Causing anyone to second guess their dreams–

But rather the voice of encouragement–supporting them and celebrate with them…and when invited…to witness the beauty beside them.

Make us THAT voice Lord.

More to come for those of you who want to celebrate this next fun season with us!

Gretchen - March 19, 2014 - 10:10 pm

Wow! It looks beautiful!
And Holy Moly! Next week! You really move!
Enjoy this exciting adventure and looking forward to seeing more photos of the place!

Ashley - March 20, 2014 - 7:43 am

LOVE. I would totally make the hike. Praying for your new adventure. (And praying for the move, ugh moving.) You’re a good mama…I love your perspective. Thank you.

Meaghan - March 20, 2014 - 10:11 am

Sounds like quite an adventure for your beautiful family! Contact your Extension Service office and they’ll help you learn to farm! šŸ™‚

Tamara Gilbert - March 20, 2014 - 10:57 am

When God calls us down a road that looks different from others, there will always be odd comments. Just like adoption. Hang in there! We live in a small rural town and we’ve had goats and cows and our children have had amazing experiences. City life is good if that’s where God planted you, but if this is where He is calling you. Run!!! Always inspired by you and your family!

Kim - March 20, 2014 - 2:49 pm

I want to run across that field barefoot and lay down and look up at the beautiful sky! Congrats- you’re gonna love it!…says the one whose kiddo’s have enjoyed their Uncles farm since day one. It’s a great life.

Bobbi - March 20, 2014 - 3:11 pm

It takes so much courage to follow your dreams when they do not seem to fall in line what others want for you. Kudos to you and your family for making the best decision for your family. Foxfire Books should help with the farming! My father in law lives by them! šŸ™‚

SleepyMom - March 21, 2014 - 12:36 pm

You are right, no one swings by in the city anyhow. If one of my friends moved to a farm only 8 miles further away, I would most likely end up visiting more because it seems reasonable to say, “we’d love to come hang out at your farm and be introduced to the goats, etc.” It would be worth the extra 15 minutes!
I hope you’ll get to raise laying hens. My dad started this and the kids ask to drive to TN to visit the chickens and no I dont’ drive 7+ hours just to see chickens but it sure makes our once or twice a year visit extra awesome. The chickens get fed a lot and the kids eat more eggs than usual at breakfast. Win, win.
Enjoy your farm!

Robyn Beall - March 23, 2014 - 1:53 pm

Andrea, I am so very happy for your sweet family! We too have purchased 10 acres that will be an additional 8 miles from where we currently live. And I too have heard all the same comments. But I have to trust, knowing that the Lord led our hearts to this place, that he wants to do great things for him through us and for now, I just have to trust! God calls some to the city, some to foreign lands and some to the country, but all to serve him and glorify him! Excited to follow along your journey as we walk similar paths!

Maureen - March 24, 2014 - 4:14 pm

Your post reminds me of my favorite poem by Robert Frost. This is my favorite part…

“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and Iā€”
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

Dreams are personal, they are between you and God.
I am so excited for you and your family!

Can’t wait to see pictures of Move-in day!!

Mimi Elmer - March 24, 2014 - 6:00 pm

Wow! What a week for your family! God is good! Praying his hand on you as you move this week!


Nikki - March 24, 2014 - 9:21 pm

So excited for you all! May you find encouragement and help not only from the expected people and places, but also from the unexpected.

marci - April 14, 2014 - 7:34 pm

Faith is not a light that dispels all our darkness,but a lamp that guides our steps at night and that is enough for the road…Lumen Fiedei
Buen Camino ,sweet friend in Christ . What sweet times ahead for your family.
God has had His hand on all of this journey ,I have no doubt !
Love and Pax,Marci