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The joy of the Lord…

Did you think I’d disappeared? Nope. I’m still here. Only problem–is Rico Suave is not. Momma bird packed up all 5 and joined my sister at her in-law’s beach house. And without Rico–momma is exhausted. (Someone has to work to pay the bills folks;). It was a loooong, QUIET 6 hour drive down here. 6 […]

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Corinne Cline - July 20, 2012 - 1:44 am

This post is so. good.

Amy - July 20, 2012 - 10:31 am

You described the adopted older child so well in this post. My two from Ukraine are now 16 and 17 and still have struggles, even though they have been home since they were 7 and 8. We have walked through oh so much with them. Have had horrendous days and wonderful ones and normal ones. Our 17 year-old daughter also has fetal alcohol going on, so she’s a teenager who can be like a teen in some very small ways, but is more often like a child. It’s still hard to ignore the questioning looks and stares we get when she says or does something that is not appropriate for her age. I’ve never been to Created for Care because it has always seemed geared toward parents who have adopted younger children. I would SO love to know how to connect with other parents who have walked/are walking a similar path as me. Maybe CFC could work on that? Because you don’t have enough to do… LOL Seriously. I know there’s a need. I’ve just never known how to fill it myself. Maybe you can now that you’ve had a taste. Just a thought. ๐Ÿ™‚

Dawn Wright - July 21, 2012 - 10:46 am

WOW!!! I think every new kind of adoption, every new kind of experience, older, special needs, RAD, and a host of other “things” teaches us different lessons. We have not done an older child adoption…..yet, but I would like to.

I feel your heart in this post. I see the crazy through a little peep hole, and I think to myself- YOU have really poured yourself out! AWESOME! Giving God your EVERYTHING! Praise HIM for strength for the moments…..because you are going to miss this!!!

Praying as your journey continues….thank you so much for a peak inside!

Braves, Brusetta and the Beach…

Momma is officially tired. I’m tired of doing the charades. Tired of typing in google translate. Tired of lots of things that have been really, really hard. I have to smile though as I think tonight–what encourages me most right now? And–it’s my children. They have been so sacrificial in their time, their love, their […]

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Cristie - July 18, 2012 - 4:46 am

Yes…praying right now! Love and blessings to each of you!!

Megan - July 18, 2012 - 8:05 am

Praying for you!! I have LOVED reading about your hosting adventure. It seems like it’s been hard- so much work! But God is using you immensely in ways you do not know. Keep up the great work and enjoy the getaway.

Shirley Robertson - July 19, 2012 - 9:39 am

Andrea, David and I fostered for two years when our kids were small and even to this day, they say they gained a lot from it. They still refer to the foster children as siblings, and miss them. Amy and I have had the opportunity to minister to our foster child/sister’s children, as well, because Lisa stays in touch.They gained insight into the fact that not all kids have a great family life, not all kids feel safe and loved, or even wanted, and that parents aren’t perfect and sometimes make mistakes. But that time led me into the career that God chose for my life. Today I am blessed to have many of my former foster children that I worked with as friends on FB, and even some of the parents whose children were in care have come to understand that the decisions I made for their children gave their kids a better life. One mother told me that terminating her rights and placing her children for adoption was the best thing for them, and she has come to know Christ because of it! Fostering an older child is not easy even without a language barrier. T came to your home with a different agenda than you and your family and I pray that she takes back a feeling of having been loved and not the loss of another family! Sorry you’re tired but I do understand. love you!

What doesn’t belong in this picture???

Okay–if you need to laugh…then this is the post to read:) Look carefully. What does NOT belong in this picture? Do you see something that does NOT belong in a bathroom? ‘Cause this is Rico Suave’s side of the master bath…and I think he has lost his hosting mind. I went in last night to […]

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karen halbert - July 17, 2012 - 1:40 am

You go, girl! chill bumps after this post…you are livin’ large. I know our God is so proud. Keep on ‘just livin.’

jenny - July 17, 2012 - 11:50 am

girl, you are GOOD. I about jumped up from my desk to go hop on a plane and run over to your pool and find that momma and that little boy and…well, I don’t know what actually.

But, oh my goodness, I gasped out loud when I read your pool story. And, I cracked up when I read your pretend response… {thinking that would probably have been my real response, but you’re full of much more grace:-)}.

I also can relate to the hubby & his tomatoes. It’s just something we cannot understand and I’ve given up trying. ๐Ÿ™‚

and I LOVE seeing how Princess T was, once again, blessed by your example. God knew exactly what He was doing bringing her to your house this summer {and allowing us all to be blessed by reading about your experiences}.

thanks for sharing, as always!!

Natalie - July 17, 2012 - 1:36 pm

Wow! From amazing image of God’s love for us with scrubbing to an amazing image of God’s grace by not biting that kid and his mom! ๐Ÿ™‚ You are a terrific mom! Thank you so much for sharing the life you’re living!

joy mccarnan golson - July 17, 2012 - 4:52 pm

WOW (re: pool convo)
we need to get together sometime, A.
my pastor’s preaching at T4A! =} (Tony Carter, East Point Church)
and i hope to bring along my new husband….

Jennifer - July 17, 2012 - 11:13 pm

You REALLY are inspiring!

Ashley - July 18, 2012 - 3:52 pm

You have so much grace. And…self-control ๐Ÿ™‚
Your pretend responses at the pool and heirloom tomatoes made me giggle ๐Ÿ™‚

natalie cooper - July 19, 2012 - 10:45 am

i’ve been reading all your posts about t. and they have all touched my heart. but this one? wow. so beautiful.
and your responses to the lady at the pool? i hope i can be so eloquent and kind in mine.

Shannon Williams - July 20, 2012 - 4:31 pm

I’ve never cried when I read the story of someone cleaning their toilet before. But I did today. Blessings upon blessing to your family.

Dancing with Dolphins? That isn’t what we were made for–but it’s beautiful.

We had ANOTHER great day! I think I’m on to something;). Our T really thrives most when she has us one-on-one. When my babies slept through the night for the first times when they were little, I always tried to “recreate” whatever helped them sleep well…fuller bellies, shorter late afternoon naps…AND after seeing how well […]

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Adrienne - July 12, 2012 - 10:56 pm

I have tears rolling down my cheeks, Andrea. What a beautiful post and a beautiful day! You have made so much progress with T! The picture of her looking up at the whale speaks volumes, doesn’t it?! I hope you get some rest this weekend!

Ashley - July 13, 2012 - 12:11 pm

What a beautiful post! It sound like a fabulous day and I’m just in awe of your patience and HUGE heart. Love love love!! I’m slowly discovering this NEW HORIZONS program. We just began our adoption process… but I can’t wait to read more about this journey of yours!! xoxo

a really, really, REALLY great day…

One thing I have learned about our princess–is she needs 100% of this momma to really feel loved. Soooo…momma bird had a babysitter today from 9am to 4pm so I could totally focus on giving quality time to our biggest love. I waited for her to wake up–but at 10am…not rising yet…so I did what […]

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Contessa - July 12, 2012 - 1:44 am

Oh how I am enjoying reading these daily installments. It’s going to be such a sweet thing to go back and reread. Just like how it’s so easy to forget the little things with a newborn, because it’s such a blur. It’s like a God approved soap opera for me I swear! ๐Ÿ™‚ You are doing such an awesome job with her. I prayed for you yesterday. I do have to ask where the life jackets were!? ๐Ÿ˜‰

-Just a blog stalker from Alaska

Mama Mimi - July 12, 2012 - 3:01 am

Wow! You are in inspiration! Thank you for sharing daily hOw God is working in your life and in T’s.

Corinne Cline - July 12, 2012 - 3:09 am

“He isn’t safe…but He is good…and Im gonna trust Him.” I needed to hear this specifically tonight, thank you.

KT Pierce - July 12, 2012 - 3:50 am

I love these. I think you should print out all the images you take of her and your family while she was there and make a little scrap book WITH her that she can take home. ๐Ÿ™‚

Alison - July 12, 2012 - 8:51 am

Oh, Andrea, I am in tears! Thank you for sharing how the Lord is moving in your family and in sweet T’s life!

Sandi - July 12, 2012 - 3:07 pm

You are absolutely doing the right thing! She deserves to feel like a princess. Structure works but when foster parents get too rigid it robs these kiddos of having a little choice in a lifetime when so many of the choices have been taken from them. You are helping her to see that she is worthy by your treatment of her raising her self confidence. You are showing her how to love her own little birdies if she becomes a mother even in harsh circumstances. You are teaching her how to trust and how to give and receive love! You are getting it right 100% Praying for you all…

Rachel N - July 12, 2012 - 5:48 pm

Seeing her sitting in that chair getting pampered brought tears to my eyes. The way you are loving her and totally dependent on Father for His grace and strength is such an inspiration. Yes, she’s going to change the world.