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Category Archives: Journey of the Magi

Devotional Day 6 – Journey of the Magi – “The gifts…”

Matthew 2:11b “Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” One of my utmost favorite things to do as a mom–is making stories come to life to my children. If you are a good friend–then you have seen my story telling and the animation that goes into every […]

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Debbie McGrath - January 2, 2012 - 6:52 am

Dear Andrea,

I am a good friend of your sister – April whom I met thru CBS.Your magi devotions are wonderful – there is so much insight for everyone. I teach a ladies class at Cross Pointe Church and praying that I might teach this coming Sunday from your devotions about the wisemen. Teaching about seeking Jesus and incorporating your devotions with an encouraging lesson on reading the Bible thru in a year.

Thank you for your inspirational devotion.
May God bless you far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!

Serving Christ Together,

Devotional Day 4 – Journey of the Magi – “Nothing can change God’s plan”

Today is the 4th day in our Journey with the Magi. The children run to find them…to see how far they have traveled…and we sit and remember… The Magi–they had made QUITE a name for themselves. Word spread throughout the nations that there were 3 distinguished, wise men who would stop at nothing to visit […]

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Devotional Day 3 – The Journey with the Magi – “The Road Less Traveled…”

How worth it this journey is. To hear a little one saying, “I saw Jesus in the dark clouds…there was a beautiful bright light behind them and it made me think of Jesus.” To share with them how amazing this is because Jesus is the Light in the darkness–and the Light of the world. The […]

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Lori Denton - December 28, 2011 - 10:05 am

Are you doing these devotions from a book? I didn’t know if you were using a book called Journey with the Magi. I just thought if you were I would pick it up. Something with pictures is always helpful to keep little minds focused. Thanks Lori

Andrea - December 28, 2011 - 11:10 pm

Lori–these are devotionals that I wrote last year…but maybe one day they’ll be in a book;) For now though–the blog will do:)