I confess. Some days–alright–MANY days…I feel served OUT. But then I rest. He restores. And I get back up and serve again. I find myself in a season of caring my children–and caring for many others in between. My heart longs to be in community–so to do so…I find myself often creating it. Inviting many […]
The Young Family Farm »
Category Archives: faith and familyThanksgiving is getting ready to rear the corner. Followed by Christmas. Which means–we will all be busier than normal. We will also be invited or not invited to different things. We will get together with people who we love dearly—the turkey and tinsel–what’s not to love about the most wonderful time of the year;)! And […] Our family lives in one of the biggest cities in the United States–so we are surrounded by mega churches and the coolest, newest things when it comes to not only fashion and the latest trends–but even when it comes to worship. The musicians that lead on Sunday morning you pass in Target with their shades […] To be a fly on our wall. This is a typical day after nap time for these two. You don’t have to say anything AT ALL. You just have to sit and watch–and get ready to laugh. I love how these two just “go together”…almost feed off each other I’d guess you’d say. And if […] |