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Because of Him…you can do this.

Have you ever had a full plate–and it just seemed or felt like it was just too much?

Look at the portions individually…and each looked exciting and tackle-able. (Is that even a word?) But all together–it would take a miracle to handle well. God will never give you more than you can handle is a quote–NOT a verse in scripture. It actually never appears once in His Word. Because–when you follow Jesus…I think most of the time–He will give you God-sized portions on your plate…because they are not yours to carry. They are not yours to bear. They are not yours to heal. They are not yours to fix. They are not yours to encourage. They are not yours to get praise for.

They are His.

Right now, I feel like a little girl with pig tails standing in front of a big God–with a massive charger instead of a plate…with Alice In Wonderland size portions much too big for me to take to the table with me. While the temptation is to ask others would they like my cake or a portion of this or that…I realize it’s only been made heavy…this plate–by my choosing to carry too much of it myself.

That little girl with pig tails and rain boots much too big to run in–instead of waddling to my place and looking at this plate with heaviness…is choosing today to stand before the Lord in a new way…lifting her plate high…and trusting Him with each portion. Each portion placed there by Him…for Him…and only shaped through Him. They were never given for her to carry or shape herself…and on busy days especially…the mere sight of them will make them feel much to heavy to carry. (But she only sees the portions when she lets the plate come down…because when she is holding the plate of her portions high–it is only Him she can see.)

Do you ever feel like her?

Other voices, opinions, hearts and even dear ones will try to tell her how each portion should be shaped. She will be tempted to listen and act. Listening is okay–but that little girl needs to also remember to run back to her Father…stand before Him in those big rain boots and ask Him about what she has heard. And then…only then act. He is enough for her. He who called her will equip her. When she doesn’t listen to all the voices and shape the portions how others think they should be shaped–some will talk, point and shake their heads. She will be tempted to let this shape her own heart…but as long as she keeps looking up at her Father…seeing Him nod His head reminding her of His voice…reminding her of His call…reminding her that she can do this–that He believes in her and that He is right there…beside her–helping her…working through her…as long as she looking to Him–those portions will not only be loved well–but loved beautifully.

His yoke is easy–His burden is light…because He is the one carrying it as you walk beside Him.

And some how–with Him…that little girl with pig tails and rain boots much too big for her–can even run with that plate lifted high…

And with the running…it doesn’t mean she will never stumble or that mountains or cliffs or valleys or water will never be before her…but with each one–He will be there. She won’t have to scream or call out even…because He is RIGHT there beside her. All she has to do is look up and say, “Daddy…which way should be go from here? I’ll do whatever you say…”

He knew what He was doing when He called you to carry that plate before you…those portions are not yours–but His…and He has a plan for each and every one. One day at a time…that’s all we are to look at–and to run well just today. Be encouraged. He is enough. He called you. And His plan for your portions are perfect.

Beth Templeton - February 4, 2013 - 2:40 pm

So glad this song speaks to you too Andrea! I love the picture of God shaping the portions we have, rather than ourselves or others. It is so true that He is right there when we fall– we don’t have to clean ourselves up first, or “get our act together.” So good! I think you are carrying your God-shaped portions beautifully!

Mimi Elmer - February 4, 2013 - 4:04 pm

Thank you so much for posting this message today! You have no idea how bad I needed to hear it today! My daugther is almost four weeks old and I am loving every minute that I am able to be home with her while on maternity leave. That being said I am feeling extremely hormonal and exhausted and was having just a rough day until I read your post. God knows what we need even we don’t. Have a blessed day!

Rachelle - February 4, 2013 - 4:55 pm

I love this. I admire the way you handle your portions. I can relate to how others try to shape them. Lovely post Andrea.

Shaina - February 5, 2013 - 12:13 pm

I couldn’t agree more!! I used to love that quote “God will never give you anything you can’t handle”…. Until I really thought about it! I think He wants to give us all sorts of things we can’t handle, so HE can show Himself mighty on our behalf!! On our strength we can do nothing…. but we can do ALL things through HIM who strengthens us!
Thanks for sharing your heart on this blog- He is definitely using your words!

Sara - February 6, 2013 - 1:10 am

I’ve been coming to the same realization lately. It came on so slowly that I didn’t even realize it was happening – taking on everything all by myself and feeling hopeless and helpless all the time. What freedom comes when we hand the heaping tray over to Him. Lovely post. Thank you. 🙂