Oh…here I sit–in a quiet house (until noon time carpool that is;). Babies sleeping…the older two at school. And my heart–overfloweth. Psalm 45:1 says…my heart overflows with a good theme; I address my verses to the King. Last night, marked our last night of summer. Daddy took the kids to a movie…mommy went with the babies to the craft store (yes…I’m BAAAAA-AAACK!)…we got out the baby pools and enjoyed the breeze (FINALLY A BREEZE!) as they played (and while mommy stuffed extra carseats in the van for the first day of school carpool!). After playtime, dinner time and bath time…the babies were all snuggled in their cribs and it was time to read to the older ones…”The Night Before…”
It was so sweet to sit back as they talked about the book and DREAMED of their first day of school TOGETHER (one of the joys of having Irish twins…and I have TWO sets of Irish twins!) They laughed and even loved one one another…and of course Parker-bug got silly.
I tried to convince Parker to pull his OTHER bottom lose tooth! Think it MIGHT be ready;)?!
It was a “no go”…it is SO ready…he just isn’t ready yet…
Then–our morning came–and it was time to go to the PreK and K! EVERY summer I get on a kick of trying to convince my hubby to homeschool (I just think it would be SO MUCH FUN!) THEN…I go to our Christian School–which I am convinced is the most amazing Christian school in Atlanta (there are some FABULOUS schools here–but this one just melts my heart for its Christ-like influence and AUTHENTIC LOVE of the kids there.) I am convinced…it is the BEST kept secret and for you homeschoolers who always try to convince me I just HAVE to homeschool—I promise if this school ever shuts down I’ll totally homeschool;). One year at a time–and for now this is the right choice for our family…I just love it!:) We are just digging our school, and I feel like we are so fortunate and blessed to have found it along with the other families there…
And Laney has talked about this moment and this hug from Ms.Milton for over a YEAR now…
Mommies and daddies are always invited to chapel–and Richard and I got a sitter for Frank and Issac, Rich and me joined the older two for a bit of fun and worship…here is Laney bug waiting on worship to beginYep. Chapel time can get crazy! These two teachers busted out Toby Mac to get the kids HYPED. (Now…you KNOW I’ll be homeschooling Isaac and Frank this year and I’ll totally be busting out stuff like this in the morning;) thanks to our rockin’ school’s inspiration! HILARIOUS…
THEN…it was time to dedicate our year to the Lord and put our trust in Him for what is to come. Psalm 28:7 says,
“The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,And with my song I will praise Him.” There is nothing sweeter than singing praises with your family and other families you have done life with to start the year off…We spotted Mrs.Teston (the principal!) breaking it down to a little P&W! There is just something about starting your CHILD’S SCHOOL YEAR worshiping alongside their TEACHERS, your kid’s FRIENDS, THEIR PARENTS…and shamelessly waving your hands and big circle O’s to the words…all those fun songs with hand motions! Isaac and I got caught by the school photographer breaking it down too;). What a JOY to raise our family here!!! Can you tell we love our school family?!
And THEN there were the good-byes! The kids were SO excited…BUT MOMMY was, I confess, a bit sad BUT just for 1 second…BECAUSE HOW CAN I BE SAD when my kids are being left in such sweet hands?!
Can you tell I didn’t get much sleep last night with Isaac Temesgan in the room?! Oh a mother’s love!
I am SO excited for all the NEW families at our school! I saw quite a handful at the PTF – Parent/Teacher Fellowship (love that they call it fellowship b/c we are a family:). I know they have no idea what they are in for this year…and I know they are going to be surprised and so thankful as the year goes on. Richard called me on my cell as he drove to work and I was scooting home to say, “I love it there!!!” and I agreed. What a way to start our day and our school year. Too bad Frank and Isaac are SO LOUD and crazy…or else we just might be at chapel all year long!!! Can’t WAIT to see Isaac and Frank boogieing down with us one day! Is this REALLY my life?! Some times I want to PINCH myself…I feel like I just might be dreaming!!!
Each day, things are becoming easier with Isaac Temesgen and NO SLEEP…and we ARE finding our new normal. LIFE IS SWEETER NOW FOR US–THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN! Yes, my date night this weekend consisted of hanging with my hubby as we reorganized toys from a crazy weekend…but we both agree that this is better than we ever imagined and we are so thankful. I am just so humbled that the Lord would love us so much to allow us to grow our family through adoption. We have grown closer to Him, closer in our marriage (have a good day if you are reading this honey!), closer as a family, closer to our friends…closer to an AMAZING network of other adopting families…and even closer to a group of sweet blog readers who have shared life with us (you know who you are!) in the process. I love my blog readers who email me and check in!!! SO SWEET! SERIOUSLY, some times I sit back and think, “Why us?!” He chose us to grow our family, be a part of what He is doing across the world…and I feel in MANY ways–THIS is JUST the beginning!!! I am just so thankful!!! And my heart overfloweth!!!
P.S. I have some absolutely AMAZING and EXCITING things to share with you all this week!!! Speaking of precious families I have met via the blog world–I had a blog reader shoot me an email not long ago and I have had the JOY of getting to know them a bit. PRECIOUS. You MUST know them too:). On Wednesday–I’m going to introduce you to one incredible family living out the gospel in crazy ways…and share an incredible opportunity to love them as they are following the Lord any where and in any thing!!! I am just so thankful to get to meet so many amazing families—and I’m so thankful to be a PART of the GREAT COMMISSION in what they are doing! Praying some of you will join me!
My encouragement to YOU today—is be obedient and follow the Lord as He lays things specifically on your heart. Do not worry what the world says or thinks. Decide this day who you want to please and live for. Will it be the world? Will it be your family? Will it be your friends? OR–will it be the LORD? Remember when you FOLLOW Him–many will think you are crazy…(most will!!!)…many will disagree (even those you love!!!)…and you will have a million reasons NOT to follow…while the Lord offers mainly JUST ONE: Because it will bring Him glory. What is the Lord calling you to do today? Are you unsure of what to do? Ask yourself THIS question: Will it bring Him glory if you follow? HIS PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE IS GREATER THAN ANY PLAN YOU COULD CREATE. Fight the good fight…um–the WORD says that! Fight? EEK! That means it won’t be easy. BUT, He will be your strength through it!
Man oh man, what a morning in chapel with my kids will do to my heart! How He encourages and uplifts!!!Wishing you a wonderful Monday!!!
by admin
Laney is her knee socks and Mary Jane’s is probably the cutest.thing.ever. May have to implement uniforms in our homeschool this year:) So glad you love your school……I went to a wonderful Christian school, and was so blessed to be a part of it!
I needed to hear those words of encouragement! Thank you so much! By the way I met a man named Temesgen today 🙂
oh your children are so cute! forgive me but what are irish twins? my guess are they were just within a year or so of eachother? either way they are both so beautiful and photograph so well! I loved their little outfits especially her little dress and socks…so precious! :0) so glad you guys found a great school!
You have blessed me beyond measure tonight. You, my dear lady, have just been used in a mighty way. You have spoken to my spirit and I have quoted you in my blog because your/HIS words spoke straight to my spirit in such a divinely timed way. It never ceases to amaze me how God can use this modern technology we have to uplift his saints and to see His will be done! Thank you for speaking without reserve. Many blessing for you in return I pray in Jesus Name!
WOW! You make me want to move to where you live, so that my “somday soon” kiddos can have a school like that to attend! :o) WOW! What it must do to your heart to know that the hours spent away from you are with such amazingly wonderful God-filled people! Praise God! I agree with Amber. You ARE being used in a mighty way! Keep up the writing, as you inspire each reader in our own individualized way! :o) I am enjoying getting to know you, your heart for God, and your family via this wonderful world of blogging! (I think I am now an addict! Ha!) Blessings to you and yours ~
what a blessing to have such a wonderful school for your irish twins! thank you for being such an encouragement to all of us!
Cathcing up on the faily and sweet baby Isaac ! Gracious …you all are the best . Lovin’ always lovin’ hearing your heart procaim our mighty Savior’s love even in the mundane like organizing a play/toy closet. St.Pius is back in full force and I am waylayed in everything that I normally do…this was a treat to see the pictures and read…I can not wait to meet you one day. I would love to have you speak to my STFrancis Circle this year but, it seems next year would be better for your family. I know you are balancing by God’s grace all that you do ! I keep you in my prayers and thoughts daiy. Pax,M