“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” Psalm 55:22
Does your “to do” list for the days ahead every seem impossible??
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
This is one of those weeks that I’ll be making a to-do list EACH night–just for the day ahead.
I will refuse to borrow worry for tomorrow…(thanks Angie G. for that phrase and reminder!)
I’ll give thanks.
“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Today I am thankful, I have a home. My family is healthy. My husband loves me and takes care of me. My husband knows and follows the Lord–and leads our family well. I’m thankful for how the Lord has provided for us always…how He speaks to our hearts…how He has had His hand upon us.
The Latest from Zambia…
We have a missionary/intern who is now over in Zambia. Her name is Kristen, and she is committed to serving in Ndola for Wiphan Zambia until December. She was with me on the recent trip in July–and one of the things we saw we needed most is MORE Tuli One Homes.
Tuli One is a project/ministry that was born through a Wiphan trip by the Brubaker family. They work alongside Wiphan to get our students off the street and into housing. We work together. We serve one another. And we desperately–desperately need others to join us. SO many children are being orphaned and are living on the street–but the goal of Tuli One is to employ a widow (the other part of James 1:27 caring for widows!!!) and pay her to live in a Tuli One home that we have built and care for 4-5 orphans that otherwise would be on the streets. It costs approximately $250 a month to run a home which pays the widow, provides shelter for the widow and the orphan, feeds EVERYONE…EVERY DAY…more than once a day, provides clothing and other necessities to survive in the Ndola compound.
JUST THIS MORNING–our Zambia staff sent me this picture letting me know another sibling group has been found in desperate need…
This precious little girl is about 18 months old, and she is HIV+. She was abandoned 1 year ago along with her other 4 siblings. The 5 siblings have lived in the compound without shelter or anyone other than the oldest sibling looking out for them. On a good day, passerby’s offer them left over food. How can these 5 children defend themselves and care for themselves???
The worry of my “to do” list this week…it dwindles.
One thing on my “to do” list is to take my sweet son to the ENT…again. With a year of untreated ear infections–we are regulars at the ENT. Tubes don’t help. We’re probably going to need another surgery. BUT–WE ARE SO FORTUNATE!!!! We have good doctors! He will be okay! I am thankful.
Ear infections and minor surgeries are dream problems for these little ones.
How can we know and not do something??? My heart is heavy. Cast your cares on the Lord…
It would be a DREAM to have 10, 15 or even 20 Tuli One safe homes.
I want to DREAM big. Pray BIG. BELIEVE BIG.
Will you dream, pray and believe with me???
Tuli One means…WE ARE ONE.
If you would like to be a part of funding a Tuli One home–giving one time or monthly–you can give through Wiphan and mark your donation for TULI ONE HOME. If you would like more information on Tuli One homes or how your church, your small group or your family could get involved to help little ones like this sibling group of 5–please contact me through my contact page!
by admin