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A few more outfits for Ike…

First off–no, I don’t plan on calling him Ike;). However, this is a HUGE debate in our home. Richard says we’ll call him “Ike”…and I say “Isaac”. Just had to put that in the title to make him smile when he reads this in the morning:). After we got the kids put down tonight (remember it’s Tuesday…so our dinner with the Denton’s always puts us up a bit later!)…but as soon as they were asleep…I rocked out a few more outfits for the little guy! Now…off to hang with the hubby:)

I decided white onesies are a bit boring. SO…we added a little UMPH to our tops…(these are made by Circo and you can find them at Target…these were $6 for a pack of 5 fun designs…and I just added the quick applique:)

And “I” is for Isaac of course;)…

And just because I was tired of cutting out Africa’s and we need some boy action…

(If you make these at home—I suggest buying WonderUnder by Pellon. The easiest way to use WonderUnder is to simple cut out a square of WonderUnder and the same size fabric. Iron on the WonderUnder to your fabric–and then peel off the WonderUnder and THEN cut out your applique. Place your applique on your tshirt where you want it to go. Dampen a hankerchief and put on top of applique on shirt and iron for 15 seconds. You an zigzag stitch around the applique, but you don’t have to. I just like the way it looks and I’ll go back and zigzag stitch these later…maybe even after our trip:).

For all of the pants I used a SUPER simple pattern: Simplicity 2734 and you can buy it for $2.99 at JoAnn’s fabric stores. It covers simple pants–sizes 6 months to 4 years.

When I wake up in the morning…JUST TWO MORE DAYS!!! Are you getting excited?! I AM!

Lara - June 22, 2010 - 11:44 pm

You are outta control, woman! And I have to laugh about “Ike,” it makes me think of Dwight Eisenhower. In fact, maybe you should find some vintage campaign stuff that says “I like Ike.” Hee hee hee. Can’t believe you’re leaving in two days! I can’t wait to hear about the trip. We are finishing up our application to AGCI and should have it ready to send in the next couple of weeks!

Shannon - June 23, 2010 - 3:52 am

You are just so talented! Love all his sweet outfits and so excited to see him wearing them!

Kim - June 23, 2010 - 4:04 am

My hubby would vote for “IKE” too!
Now … we are ready to see your boy in those adorable outfits!
Counting the “sleeps” til his in your arms!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

april - June 23, 2010 - 5:41 am

Just wanted to let you know that we got the call and our Isaac was born on Father’s day! We meet birthmom today and baby and Lord willing get to bring Isaac home on Thursday! I am SO excited for you guys and wanted to tell you our good news! There is a post on our blog with details! :0)

Ia - June 23, 2010 - 7:14 am

I absolutely love the outfits. I am a grandmother who loves to sew. I am expecting one little Ethiopian grandchild this year for our daughter and husband and two for our son and wife. Yeahhhh!!!!
This may be an dumb question in the day of computers, but how did you make the trace of Africa. Thanks for all the detailed information. I am excited to see you are leaving this weekend. I will be following your blog. Exciting!!

Ia - June 23, 2010 - 7:21 am

Congratulation on your new little boy!! I can’t wait to see pictures from your trip and your family.
I am so excited to see your outfits. What a great idea. I really appreciate the detailed instruction. I am a grandmother who loves to sew. I am expecting three grandchildren from Ethiopia this year. Our daughter Nina (Wes) are adopting one and our son Erik (Jeanne-Ann) are expection two. We are sooooo esxited.
So for an computer illiterate. How did you make the trace of Africa.

Ia - June 23, 2010 - 7:27 am

sorry about the two comments. It told me it did not post

julie@Flitterbugs - June 23, 2010 - 8:03 am

April…I could not sleep lastnight…I was so excited for you!!!! And I think I have mentioned this on someone’s blog before…but HeatNbond Lite is an AWESOME product! After years of wonderUnder…I made the switch:) Love it! SO cute Andrea! ANd hubs gave the final OK that we can come to see you all at the airport next week! I think we are even going to bring the kids….they heard me say LL would be there…and they went nuts!

Liz Blalock - June 23, 2010 - 8:10 am

I wish I had half of your creative talent! You are amazing.

Olivia - June 23, 2010 - 9:05 am

Those are SO cute!!! We call my brother Isaac “zeek” sometimes, but I think Ike is an adorable nickname!

Lauren - June 23, 2010 - 9:38 am

I can’t wait to see him in those clothes!!!!! SOOOOO cute!!!! I can’t wait to see him in your arms too – just a few more days!!!

Jenn - June 23, 2010 - 10:13 am

You are a woman on a mission. I love that you use productivity to get rid of all that pent up energy 🙂 HANG TIGHT my friend…you are SO CLOSE. I just emailed you…but wanted to tell you here too…you will be in our prayers friend. God is moving in such a beautiful way in your family!!!!


Missy @ It's Almost Naptime - June 23, 2010 - 2:48 pm

I have an Ingram Isaiah and we call him Ike!!

Watch out though. Boys named Ike tend to be HURRICANES.

He was already 18mos old when Hurricane Ike hit us (we’re in Houston) so we say we didn’t name him after the hurricane, they named the hurricane after HIM!

Liv - June 23, 2010 - 7:08 pm

These are all so cute! Can’t believe how quickly you’re pumping them out!

marci - June 26, 2010 - 10:13 pm

Andrea , you are the most talented ,gifted person I know ! It has to be the HS that gives all these gifts to you ! Adorable outfits.