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When things break (Give Us Eyes to See)


Every single day–something will break.

Slow down. Ask for eyes to see.

Because it's not about how the world may crumble around you or that you are a failure and can't keep it together or that you aren't enough…or that nothing goes your way.


It's about choosing to see…changing perspective.

When things don't go as planned–EXPECTING to see something really amazing unfold from it…from small breaks and big breaks.

Just TODAY. I forgot my cell phone at home. 45 minutes from home when I realized it. Late for Parker's orthodontist fitting and with my phone as my navigation–LOST. I prayed for a sweet saint and help–and I walked in an office complex…and met a sister that reminded me of laughter and joy and we scrolled through her phone to find the way….a new friend that I will take a gift to later for her kindness…and He will work…because He always does.

Because I was late–the timing was perfect. They laughed on the phone when I told them how I was calling–and when I arrived the receptionist said, “You know your dear friend Melanie is about to be seen by the doc. Why don't you surprise her?” So I put my hands on her shoulders and with my best orthodontist voice said, “Let's lean you back and take a look in that big mouth of yours!” Laughter followed. And the biggest hug. I had no idea how much she needed that until she told me. (Love you Melanie!)

And on my way home–I thanked God for broken things.

Because in the broken-the Mender does miracles.

Every single day in the small and big broken–not going your way moments–breath…and thank Him for whatever He is up to.

#prespective #choosingtosee