Christi and I first “met” almost 4 years ago as we were starting our first adoption journey together. We’d never “met-met”–but met first on our adoption agency’s list serve. And…well, that’s like going through labor together in a whole different way. After we brought home our littles–we met in person at a conference as Rico and I were representing Wiphan in Zambia and Christi and her family were also there. Christi is an amazing mom (now to 3 little loves–1 biological and 2 loves from Ethiopia) and she is also a true kindred spirit. What I love about Christi–is she follows hard and radically…and authentically after Jesus. She and her husband have stepped out in faith once again…but in order to continue this call–they need others to join them. Will you just take a moment to read Christi’s story this season? And ask the Lord if He might want to use YOU to join them by praying for them or financially giving monthly so they can continue to serve? Here’s a bit from Christi…
The little girl that changed our lives…
While I (Christi) only served in Guatemala in 2009 for 1 week, it changed both of our lives forever! I spent the trip serving widows and orphans and was utterly broken. Upon returning, the Lord put 2 little girls that I met on the trip on our hearts.
A 3 yr old girl named Yulisa and her 3 sisters lived in a small, underfunded, rundown orphanage in the city of Xela, Guatemala. After I shared Yulisa’s story with Dan, we started advocating for this little girl and praying that an organization would be able to come alongside this little orphanage that had broken our hearts.
God was using her to change us. We knew, after falling desperately in love with Yulisa that God was calling us to adoption. We tried to adopt Yulisa and soon found out that international adoption from Guatemala was closed… which God used to lead us to Ethiopia, where our 2 sons are from.
Through this little girl, God called us to adoption, gave us opportunities to serve the orphan, burdened us for the mission field, and drew our hearts to Guatemala. Through all of these amazing opportunities, God was equipping us for something more! He soon confirmed His calling on our lives to serve the orphan and the church in Guatemala. To say that we were petrified is a complete understatement. We are normal people like so many we read about throughout Scripture that God calls and equips.
ONLY God in His sovereignty could provide a way for us to talk with an organization that we barely knew at the time (through a friend) who eventually came alongside her orphanage. They not only improved the quality of their living situation, were able to hire additional caregivers, expand the facility, improve the school, make sure that the children are being discipled, and ensure that each of them have a transition plan.
The organization we are referring to is Orphan Outreach… who God has now called US to serve with. Do you see how this story is coming full circle? How we had NO idea that I would meet Yulisa, how God would use her in our lives, and NOW allow us the opportunity to serve her, her sisters, and the 60 other children in her orphanage (Little House of Refuge) 4 years later.
God knew EXACTLY what He was doing…. We had NO idea why Yulisa was so heavy on our hearts back in 2009 after my trip. We literally couldn’t sleep at night and wept for her frequently.
Just like God used one small girl to impact our lives in such a dramatic way, God can use you in the same way to impact lives.
We have the privilege of ministering to Yulisa and hundreds of others just like her because of people like YOU!
Not only do we want to tell each of you and the people we minister to about God the Father, we want to represent who God is by taking in orphans, by serving them, by giving them hope for a future, by making sure they have mentors and truly DEFENDING the cause of the orphan. Then, these children, their caregivers, and the community around them will SEE the Gospel in action! God rescued us and we are giving them a picture of what God did for us!
We are God’s people, adopted by His grace, and we are worshipping HIM and committing ourselves… continually asking how we can be a reflection of HIS character… and for us, that is GOING to the orphan, the impoverished, the lonely, the overlooked, and showing them who Jesus is… WHAT does that look like for each of you?
So we ask you today to consider… what can you do for a child like Yulisa? How would the Lord have you get involved?
Our family is in need of additional monthly partners in order to return in 7 weeks! Even just $10 a month makes a huge difference. We can’t minister to children like Yulisa unless the body of Christ comes alongside us in this way.
If you feel led to support us in this way, please click here.
Christi and Dan Ucherek
Thank you so much for taking the time to read the Ucherek’s story!! Please feel free to share this exciting opportunity with your family, small groups and friends! They are an AMAZING family–and I know you will be so blessed to follow their journey and to be a part of what God is doing through their faithfulness to go. Blessings to you all this Thanksgiving! Truly, we have SO much to be thankful for!
by admin