While many of my posts the last 4 weeks have been focused on the newest princess in the house…my heart’s weighing must interrupt our regular scheduled post to reflect and rejoice over another one of my loves.
We just got home from the beach–and I’m sitting here “letting” Rico Suave put the 5 loves to bed after I had the honor of doing it without him for the last 4 evenings. I’m a thoughtful wife like that;).
Downloading pictures and then uploading them for Costco weekly printing is what we’ve been doing for Princess T. But tonight as I downloaded pictures my breath was taken away as I looked at pictures of my oldest son. Parker–one day you will read this…and tonight I’m telling you myself…but when you reread this one day in mommy’s blog-to-book it will serve as a reminder of who you are.
The Lord delights in you…

In your 8 years, you continue to amaze me…how you love others and how you serve.
In your 8 years, you have never–not once–raised your voice, spoken back or said a single word of dishonor to your mother or father. Your daddy and I have been ministered to by your calm nature, patience and your ability to understand at such a young age.
In your 8 years, you have made more room in your home and heart with us…for siblings…for children who needed love for a time…for a birth mom who we have grown to love as our own…for families passing through needing a place to stay…for constant change and crazy. Instead of holding tight to things, you have seen different needs with us–and you have learned to open your hands. Not only does the Lord delight in you–your father and I do as well.
You are patient and competitive…whether it’s sports, school or little things like catching tadpoles…

You are compassionate and strong…
I loved watching you this week tenderly putting each and every last tadpole into your yellow bucket…picking grass so each would not go hungry through the night and explaining to me the next day why they needed to each go back and live where they belong…

I love how you even left them a goldfish to munch on for the night;)…

You have stood in the background this summer as mommy and daddy have needed to help an older one in our home–your oldest spot kind of taken over for the summer…yet you have been a man of compassion. In your 8 year old words, you have explained to your younger siblings and even to me why some things have to change for a season. At times you have struggled, yet I see the Lord’s strength in you…and you have remained strong. I am thankful.
You are brave…a true arrow…who will fight for what is right no matter the cause…
This week while we were at Aunt April’s in-law’s beach house–without thinking you defended the cause of someone who was weaker on little island in the canal where your little sister and cousin like to play…

Three boys were there one afternoon–and your Papa told me what my little braveheart did. You saw two boys bullying a younger boy-pouring buckets of sand on his head. Although these 2 boys were bigger than you, you didn’t think about what might happen to you–and you swam over to defend the defenseless. “No one cares if we do this!” they said. And you stood tall and said boldly, “He does. And I do. So stop.” Wow. I don’t think I’m nearly as brave as you, my son. But at least you can teach me how to be. You see a need and with your compassion, strength and bravery–you act. The Lord delights in you!
I love your heart Parker-man. Listening to you wrestle with the realities of orphans across the world…watching you make sacrifices in your home and your heart…truly–some times I’m amazed that you are just 8 years old (truthfully…you are just 7…but in 1 month and 1 day you will be 8!). There is no doubt in my mind the Lord has great, big plans for your life. And I am just so humbled and thankful that He would choose me to be your mommy.

Thank you for being on this ride with us…and for making room to love bigger with us. You shine Jesus’s love more greatly into our lives, and our family needs you (isn’t it amazing to be needed!) because you are a great arrow constantly pointing forward, challenged to greater things and willing to take risks. Now…momma is off to tuck you in…because although it is daddy’s honor tonight–momma just can’t stand it…and I have a few things I need to tell you…
You’ll always be my baby boy!!! Love you my son! And remember–the Lord delights in you!
Never underestimate the power of speaking truth into your sons and daughters. Remind them how God is using them and how you see Jesus active in their hearts and lives. Call forth their gifts and strengths–and remind them how the Lord is preparing them to be sent out to impact the world. You believe these things about your children–remind them…so they will believe them too.
by admin
Thanks for making me cry again, Anj. Parker has always had wisdom in his eyes. He is an old soul, prepared for such great things. And the fact that you are humbled by this precious little boy just affirms what a beautiful mother you are. I love you.
So so so sweet!