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The home study paper chase…DONE!

Just a little China update!!!

Called the agency on October 1st to inquire about our son. (Although we had to wait for approval from our LOI to officially be matched…we wasted NO TIME…and stepped out in faith to start our home study AGAIN!)

Approval came…so while we were riding Splash Mountain–we were officially matched on October 10th!

Turned in our LAST home study paper chase documents on October 24th (LAST THURSDAY!).

Nowwww…we just wait for our final home study to be written…and then it’s off to USCIS! From there we will wait for yet again more fingerprints. And while we wait–we’ll be working on our dossier.

Once we get USCIS approval–then we’ll have our dossier sent off to China–where we will await a LID (log-in date) and which will start our wait for more very important letter abbreviations…each bringing us closer to our son:) It’s gonna be a long haul–but we are praying for miracles along the way!!!

VERY thankful to be done with home study paper chase!!! Now…waiting anxiously to have that bad boy in my hands and you all will be the first to know when its SHIPPED OFF to our agency AND USCIS!!! Praying for mountains to be moved and that we won’t have to wait over a year to finally see our sweet boy!!! BUT we know lots and lots who wait well over that…so we just have to put it in His hands and trust in His perfect timing!!!

Alright…that’s all for now.



Dawn Wright - October 29, 2012 - 11:13 pm

Gotta love logging trees and getting cuts ;). YEA!!!! More steps are done…..and can’t wait to see God work through the rest! HE IS ABLE and …..I still totally stink at the waiting part. ugh.

Amy - October 29, 2012 - 11:13 pm

Yay!!! So excited for you all!!! We just brought our youngest home from China this summer… Praying for all those abbreviations to be swift – I think we were around 10months with a VERY slow HS. Lots of prayers for this newest little one 🙂

Kristin - October 30, 2012 - 2:31 pm

How awesome! I know how you feel to be done with all the paperwork, it’s crazy. We are adopting from China, just sent off I800a today and should be traveling in May!

Cara from PA - October 30, 2012 - 8:34 pm

That is Awesome!!!