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Sweet Memory

Another full day…

We started our day at 8am in the compound. We went to a Bible study with Pastor Frances…and met with a group of 30. It was a sweet time of fellowship–and encouraging them in being lights in their community.

From 9:30-11:30 we listened to the teachers requests of our schools. Such simple and practical recommendations. An amazing campaign to come on their behalf:).

THEN…off to an orphanage. 80 precious ones. Double orphans. Just precious. I came out of the infant room, rounded the corner–and in she ran. Memory. She jumped in my arms…and she remained there for most of the morning.

Hmmmm…today my heart wondered if China really is our next adoption;). I mean–oh my Memory. She cried when I put her down. So back in I went to spend the afternoon with her. We gazed in each other’s eyes…and my heart wanted so desperately to whisper, “I’ll be back”…oh my beating heart.

We went next to the handicapped building. My heart lept in love with those children. The older ones were laying on the floor and I couldn’t help myself to run right to them and start picking them up and loving on them. From age 14 to 45 we loved on them. Melt my heart. I think I’m in love with all of them. We sang together…our words and their beautiful moans…and I felt as if I were in heaven. Yes, I was made for this.

How will I wake in the morning and start our journey home???

My heart also longs to hold my 4 precious ones who await their mommy…but our work is definitely not done here. I spend the later part of the afternoon with my precious 10 year old African daughter…the one who has endured to much. Another story in the making–and believing God has great big plans for this one…and thankful to know and believe she will now be safe. I looked at her and promised I’d be back–and we would do everything we could to keep her safe from this day forward. She smiled. I cried…and she teared up. Oh sweet girl. Be with her Lord.

We leave for the airport at 11am, and our flight departs at 1pm. It will be a 28 hour journey beginning at 1pm to finally see Rico Suave and 4 sweet ones again. I can’t wait to love on them and share all my heart has felt these past 10 days here. It feels like a lifetime that we have been here with all we have seen, all the work we have done and all the things we now hope to do.

I’ll be back…and I hope to hold that sweet Memory again. And Mumi. And Ruth. And…and…and…it feels unending. And my heart already longs to return…

Thank you for praying for us. So thankful for each of you. Please pray for safe travels in the days ahead for us. May you feel His everlasting love–and may He use your life greatly to love others and make a difference no matter where you are.

jenn - July 23, 2011 - 4:04 pm

DO NOT show me pictures like that when I am stuck here and you are THERE 😉 She is beautiful (so are you) and I am so thankful that you are there loving on those precious kiddos!!!!

Christy - July 23, 2011 - 8:18 pm

Oh my, she is just precious. Praising the Lord with you for this journey He’s taken you home and praying you will have good time of worship and reflection with Him on your way back.

Christy - July 23, 2011 - 8:18 pm

ooops – should say journey He’s taken you ON! I’m just a bit tired, I guess. 🙂

Audrey @ The Brown Brigade - July 24, 2011 - 1:29 am

I am praying for your journey home, those you leave behind and the work yet to be done.

Jen - July 24, 2011 - 9:28 am

Thanks you for sharing about all your experiences. I love your heart and you passion for children. I felt the same way in Ghana, I wanted to stay and show all the children that they were loved.

Cara - July 25, 2011 - 9:11 am

Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

Lauren - July 27, 2011 - 12:04 am

On my knees… double orphans… handicap… I have room in my home and plenty in my heart. Oh if only I could hop a plane today!! Praying for HIS guidance because this mommy just wants to bring them all home right now!!