Borrowed this one from my sweet sister…for those of you with babies—here is a tune to sing with them this week as you celebrate Holy Week…
1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Children
4 Little, 5 Little, 6 Little Children
7 Little, 8 Little, 9 Little Children, 10 Little Children Sing
Sing Hosana to the King (sing this part while waving your hands in the air)
Sing Hosana to the King
Sing Hosana to the King
10 Little Children Sing
I’m party mom all day tomorrow at my kids schools…putting on a scavenger hunt at one and making bunny ears at the other. I’m sure I’ll have some cute pictures to share. The scavenger hunt though I’m especially excited about! I love the way it turned out!!!
I also got some of these today from Mama Judy……along with the most fun basket ever full of goodies. Aren’t you so thankful for the people the Lord puts into your life to do life with and love on you?!
Finally…our daily reading…
We are beginning yet another book! Yay! Isn’t it fun when you read through the Bible and start a new book full of new adventures. And who knew the Bible had such WILD adventures!!! Wouldn’t my son just love to hear today’s reading with all the war and gore? Unfortunately, boys like that sort of thing. BUT today’s reading? Goodness…the story of Ehud is just a little much for this momma! Gore and graphic. Yet–this was how the Lord used Ehud to get rid of Israelits evil king.
Do you see a pattern here? The Israelites sin. The Lord’s hand comes upon them. They cry out. He rescues. Over. And. Over. And. Over. Again.
Thank you Lord that you NEVER, EVER, EVER give up on us. Although we fail daily—although we some times don’t listen—although we mess up…when we cry out to You…You hear us. And you rescue us.
Thank you Father for being our Redeemer.
Help us to SLOW down…SEE you…and FOLLOW.
by admin
We have been doing the eggs as our devotions each night with the kids. We have it timed so the last egg is on Easter. The kids love it.
I also shared the Easter Story cookies with everyone on my blog today. You should do them with your kiddos the night before Easter. It is such a great hands on activity that Biblically shows the story.
Have a great day!!!
Resurrection eggs are my favorite! 🙂
I love that He is our Redeemer. Even when we don’t want Him to be, He is. He pursues us, patiently waits for us to come around. I am SO thankful that of His grace :))