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Retreat registration…Day 1

Day 1 of retreat registration…and 70 adoption mommies are already registered to attend!!!

Can you say WOW!?

I do believe God wants to do something that weekend!!! SO EXCITING to be a part of…and so looking forward to FINALLY meeting with so many of you!

Remember–if you registered today–the resort will begin accepting calls on Monday, October 25th for room reservations. And the better part–you won’t have to pay for that until you check out! (If you are already registered–then you are secured a room!)

Last but not least…I have to tell you–almost half of the registrants are FLYING here!!! SO…if you really want to come–but you thought we’d think you were crazy if you flew to join us…you’ll be in PERFECT company if you fly in for our weekend together! AND if you REALLY wanna come but you need a roommate—I’d say about 20 of today’s registrants don’t have one! SOOO…if you trust me to pair you guys up…there are two queen beds in each room…and I think with our crowd–you will only be in your rooms to sleep!

For more information about the retreat and how to register–visit the retreat blog here!

julie@Flitterbugs - October 19, 2010 - 7:51 am

I wish we could see a list of who all is coming! Can’t wait to see which of my “virtual friends” will be there:)
Andrea….thank you so much for all of your hard work in setting this up! I don’t know how you do it all!

Lara - October 19, 2010 - 8:36 am

I am flying from ARIZONA! I only wish I could stay longer and bum around Georgia. I love the South! I am soooo excited!

julie@Flitterbugs - October 19, 2010 - 9:15 am

Yea Laura!!! So glad you are coming!

Rebecca - October 19, 2010 - 3:11 pm

I was just sent a link to your blog and info about the retreat. I would LOVE to attend, just checking dates. What a beautiful idea. We jsut returned from China with our daughter, Claire, and are on the waiting list for Ethiopia. 🙂 I NEED to be with other adoptive mommas! And to retreat? Would LOVE it!

If I can attend, I’d be happy to help. We live in Kennesaw.

Just added myself as a follower of your blog.
