Homeschool happened on the go today–and we started off with a field trip to the ENT for a checkout for Isaac. Poor guy had untreated ear infections for who knows how long in Ethiopia–so we had some mountains to climb once home. He immediately was given tubes after his ear infections wouldn’t clear about a year and a half ago. (We waited until he was home a few months before getting tubes). We went in today to get the tubes checked and his hearing again–as he hasn’t quite passed a hearing test just yet–or at least hit the spectrum of normal/average.
SO–today we began our school day with an audiogram (performed by an audiologist in a sound proof room)…and then a tempanometry test (measures pressure in middle ear, detects fluid and problems with middle ear) and lots of fun games in the sound proof room. We discovered today that Isaac is a ROCKSTAR lip reader because I really thought his hearing HAD IMPROVED..but not so much. The audiologist was quite impressed with his lip reading skills and even his vocabulary–and crazy sentence structure and words…despite having trouble hearing he is a SMART BOY! (And now I feel really badly for all the times during correction when I have continued to say, “Look at mommy’s EYES when I talk to you–NO…that’s mommy’s mouth–look in my eyes…” Poor guy–he was just trying to listen well!
His last set of tubes is no longer in–so the doc wants to put more in…EEK. We’re scheduled for a pre-op for June 7th–but IF the fluid surrounding his ears is gone and we score better on a test…then the pre-op on June 7th will just be a checkup. We are going to pray for fluid to be gone and hearing to be restored.
THEN…it was momma’s turn…and this news is MORE THAN BUMMER!
Getting really tired of having blurred vision in my right eye–and thinking about WHEN these problems started…I just HAD to wonder if something that was in our lives NOW more than BEFORE (before last January) might be adding to my junk. SO–I scheduled an allergy test and got the results today from the allergy doc.
I have seasonal allergies pretty badly (most all the trees my skin reacted pretty strongly to), ragweed, grass, etc—BUT I showed extreme allergies to…
What does one do when they discover the little boy they love so much has a best friend in the thing that you are allergic too??SERIOUSLY?!
SO FAR–I’ve vacuumed the house REALLY GOOD–and mopped. THEN Rico Suave jetted out to PetSmart to buy allergy shampoo (thanks for the suggestion Tracie W!) Rosie has stayed outside all day and is sleeping in the garage tonight…while we figure out the best solution. Oh…what to do?! I know for those of you who don’t have dogs it might seem like a no-brainer–but my 8 year old has loved this dog to no end…and the other children too…not sure we could part!!! Seriously–this is a tough one for me! (Not sure what all is in allergy shots preservative wise–BUT the allergist did say if we kept Rosie that I’d need to do weekly shots). Does anyone have pet allergies that has an outside dog??? Does that help???
On a much more fun side note–THANK YOU FRIENDS for your suggestions on restaurants!!!! Now on my list for date nights are these…
1. Greenwoods (Staci–Richard will thank you!)
2. Plum Street Cafe (Carrie–we need to have lunch there some time:)
3. Farm Burger (Lyndie-I just love the sound of that!)
4. Thai (yes–I bet you are right Sandi!)
5. Z Pizza (Leesa–you have me craving this now!!! We should grab an organic gluten free pizza there some time together!)
6. Flying Biscuit (Staci and Shelly–can you believe I have NEVER been!)
…and Katie…I didn’t realize Moes was organic…and kids eat free on Sunday?! Sweet:)!
Thanks y’all for the insight! I have the organic eating down to a science *IN* our home–so having these suggestions for dinners out…I’m glad to have! Y’all rock. (And April McA.–I like your idea about a picnic date!)
Blessings to y’all!
by admin
here are two more to add to your list 🙂
R Thomas
Allergy shots are great & will really decrease your sensitivities. We got a schnauzer poodle because he doesn’t shed when we found out my youngest & I were allergic to dogs. We found wonderful, loving homes for my long-haired lab & part German shepherd which broke my heart initially but was the best decision. We cordoned off an area inside with a pretty decorative iron gate which he loves & trained the dog to only go in living room & never in bedrooms. It has worked well & no more monthly MD visits!
Oh Andrea, I will pray for sweet Issac’s hearing and for your allergies. That is SO difficult. I don’t know what I would do. I hope the shots and vacuuming help! At least you know the potential cause of all of your vision issues- that is a blessing. But I really hope you can manage through the shots. I know how a pup IS part of the family…especially for your kiddos. And, by the way, super cute pup!!:-)
I would check out Allergy Associates (they are in WI but train other allergists). They use sublingual drops instead of shots—much easier and have been wonderful for our 7 year old son. They might have an allergist they could recommend near you. I know that people travel from great distances to see them.
Might be an option for you–
Farmburger, Zpizza and Flying Biscuit are three of our favorites!
We go to the farmburger in Buckhead. I get the chicken burger (#4 out of their pre-built burgers). It is the oddest combo to me and simply amazing!!!
Let us know when you try some of these places!