One of my mommy mentors shared this pearl of godly wisdom with me—and it is a must share. I think there is such value in having mommy mentors—but it can also be hard to connect some times with one…much less several. SOOO…trust that I’ll be sharing any gems and pearls when they come my way. Today’s pearl—is just precious to my heart…and one thing that as a mommy of 4 I truly want to make time for…and truly can–as it’s simple but so impactful.
Praying Scriptures over my children…
One of my mommy mentors buys a 3×5 spiral ruled index cards–one for each of her children. Each week, she prays through scripture and chooses a verse to pray over each child. She simply writes each of her children’s names on the front of the spiral card. I wanted to put pictures on the front of mine because I’m such a visual person. I love praying each verse over each child—looking at their picture and even tracing my fingers over their sweet faces while I pray…
She encouraged me to choose a verse that needed to be prayed into that child’s life…RIGHT then. THEN…date it. Just to give you a few examples. Laney and Parker have had trouble these past few weeks living in harmony with one another. As I observe conflict, I realize that it is usually Laney’s lack of patience that causes the conflict to escalate. I want to pray patience, steadiness and encouragement into her and that it would be God giving her these—so this is one of the verses I am praying into Laney’s life this week….
For Isaac–I feel so far away from him. I can’t care for him—but I LONG to. YET…I know my Savior can. I am praying this into Isaac’s life this week…
And poor Frank. No one will throw that kid a bone this week. Parker and Laney have been getting frustrated with him–simply because he is a “BABY” and doing what babies do…trying their cereal WITH MILK when they get up for a sec to go to the restroom…playing with their toys but “not in the right way mommy!”…and this sweet ones just needs the grace and mercy of his siblings. Some times if you are afraid your mommy brain might forget why you wanted to pray that specific verse…you can jot down little notes at the bottom…
Finally for Parker, he is just having a season of…complaining. So, instead of being cross-eyed as a mommy about it—I’m turning to the Lord and praying laughter and joy on his lips…
You can keep these beside each child’s bedside—pray these verses over them when you put them down to bed. When you go sit for quiet time, collect them and use these as a guide to keep you focused and purposeful as you pray over your children. As prayers are answered, you can write notes on the back of the card and jot down examples of the Lord’s faithfulness. AND THEN…they are easy to file away. When they get older, you can give them their cards at the end of each year. At night, they will be by their bedside—in hopes that one day they, too, will pick them up and join you in praying these verses back into their hearts and lives.
As if this isn’t enough of a pearl—what will this do to our mommy hearts? One, it will take us to the Word—searching for scripture to pray over our children. And two, before you know it—you are memorizing scripture that is practical and useful RIGHT NOW in your family’s life.
Just a pearl…that I had to share.
P.S. Only 9 more days until court:). Please pray we pass the first time! XOXO!
by admin
What an awesome idea! I had a friend do this for my husband and I. We were going through some tough times with our adoption. She had been praying scriptures over us and gave them to me on index cards just to let me know. She punched a whole in each corner and tied them together with ribbon. I keep them on my nightstand so that when I feel worried I can look at the scriptures and remember.
oohhhh…I love this! Getting myself some spiral notecards today! Also, thought you might like to know that our pantry door is completely covered in chalkboard paint. Months ago I drew Africa on the board and hearts for places and people we’re praying for. Our sponsored children in Swaziland, Katie Davis in Uganda, Wiphan, Hannah’s Hope and now sweet Isaac is up there right next to Hannah’s Hope. Every time we get into the pantry (which is often:)) there’s a little blue heart there reminding us to send up some prayers for your baby Isaac. Praying him home SOON! Shannon
First things first for me in the morning. Grab my hot cocoa (not a coffee drinker) and head to my laptop before the kids get up. Sad face when your blog hasn’t been updated (keep checking back) and then happy face when there is new info to learn!!! Brilliant idea ~ I am so doing this (one for me/hubby too) ~ and my kids are old enough to read their book left behind on their nightstand. Happy Day to You!
Okay … this is like an early Mothers Day gift for me. I am heading out first thing in the a.m. to buy my notebooks (one for my hubby too). I just LOVE it!
Thank you for all the ways you continue to bless my days!
Praying for that court date!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Great advice! I am in the middle of several books that discuss this idea. Recently the importance of praying for my family has been on my heart a lot. Thanks for sharing.
I love praying scripture for my babies already (even without their sweet faces) but I LOVE the idea of having a book to remember what you prayed for each child at specific times! Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE this idea!!!! I will be doing this for all 5 of my girls, love-love-love it. 🙂
I love the idea of putting these in a notebook. We’ve used the book “Praying the Scriptures for your Children” by Jodie Berndt too.
Oh, absolutely love this idea! We all need more of that in our lives here. 🙂 Praying for your court date! 🙂
THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS!!! I made a great little journal like this once and put lots of ribbons tied to the spirals! 🙂
What an amazing idea!!!! I am going to do one for each of us!!!
Happy Tuesday!
Precious ! Isaac’s Psalm 91 is so true for he is being protected and will be with you all soon ! Did you see my idea of the Prayers Angels for your Isaac?
Love this idea! Funny God’s timing. A couple of weeks ago I really felt prodded to get some spiraled index cards. I knew I needed to get some Scriptures written down on them again. Then I pulled up your post today and Voila! Now I know exactly what God wants me to do with them…(side note: One of the words He gave me for 2010 was that it was going to be a “passage” year…a year of going through to the other side, and a year of Scripture passages to do it.) This just all fits together and I’m very excited to write in mine tonight! Thank you!!–Rory
LOVE IT! I can’t wait to get to the store tomorrow and get started on them!! Such a wonderful way to pray for our children and what a story it will tell in time!! My husband also started a journal for each of our kids when they were born and write in it every so often and he hopes to give it to them when they move out and I write and seal a letter to each of our kids on their birthday and have them tucked away in their keepsake buckets to open one day. I hope they will treasure these little things!!
Oh WOW…. this is GOOD stuff! I LOVE it! I love that you use pics on the front. I am definitely going to be investing in some of these booklets. Thank you for sharing! I’m always encouraged when I come to your blog:)
thank you so much for that idea- i love it! Praying for that court date!
This is the BEST idea — LOVE it!!! Thanks for sharing…
I love love love this idea…if I could just get the rest of the things checked off my to-do list, I could get started! 🙂
I love this idea. I got mine yesterday and started last night. I thought I would also do one for my husband and I. We both picked two verses for the month and wrote them down. It was neat to see what we both picked for us to pray about for our marriage.