I might LITERALLY pop if I have to wait another day for our home study to be approved. Please feel free to comment to see if I have popped or not;). Also feel free to leave verses, wisdom, insight or encouragement on waiting and why waiting is good for me.
If you pass me on the road, sidewalk or in a hall at church—and my eyes are crossed—do not worry or be alarmed. It is just a sign of pre-poppage…exactly what I feel like I’m about to do.
And that’s all I have to say tonight. I wish I had more words, good insight about what I’m learning today or how great the adoption journey is—but pray for no poppage…and yes, peace too. Yes, that’s what I need. Peace. Ok people…bring on the wisdom;). I’m all ears.
by admin
Knees & prayer. That I am afraid is all the wisdom I have…..
Just got off of them:)
Just read this from Andrew Murray's "Waiting on God":
"If we truly set ourselves to wait upon God, we will find that it is with Him we are impatient, because He does not at once, or as soon as we would wish, do our bidding. It is in waiting upon God that our eyes are opened to believe in His wise and soverign will. Then we will see that the sooner and the more completely we absolutely yield to it, the more surely His blessing can come to us."
I am sorry. I hated waiting and it was awful and horrible and stressful, but it will all be over really soon I promise.
I guess you just have to trust that God has the perfect baby for you and you have to have it all put together at that PERFECT moment to get your child. I know that is probably not much comfort right now.
I hope tomorrow brings good news.
okay andrea….PLEASE don't pop!!
i will say this! you have a LONG way to go and probably a lot of set backs to go as well. so, just sit back and take a DEEP breath!! i know it is hard, but you can do this 🙂
"The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still." Exodus 14:14 (a favorite of mine for years and years) xoxo