Woo hoo! Our last home study!!! I’m so excited to have completed one big step in our adoption process…today was our final of 4 home study interviews by AAA Adoption Partners. I have to say that I’m excited but also bummed—as we have grown to love our adoption consultant. She’s quick too…she said she’d be done with our study in a week!!! YAY! We’ve got our dossier stuff all together…so as soon as our home study is complete…we’ll be mailing in everything and hopefully soon after be on the wait list.
I’m working, working, working away in the mean time!!! I had 6 mini-sessions on Sunday. ALL were fabulous!!! I had 3 scheduled for today…2 were “no shows”…which that NEVER happens…but it’s the road to adoption I guess! Makes it more interesting. I have 2 regular ones tomorrow and a 3rd mini session tomorrow…(along with Parker’s PreK parent/teacher conference)…lots going on, lots of hard work…but with a hopeful dossier submission around the corner! Yay! Yay! Yay! I’m getting excited about getting closer to being on the list. Yes, a long wait will be ahead…but the paper chase will finally be over!!!
by admin