The Young Family Farm »

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Just in case you wondered;)

It’s actually possible to update your blog via your iPhone:).

After Monday night’s windstorm in Georgia, Comcast has been out of service for different areas ’round these parts…and we just happen to be one of those it’s out for. Because Comcast provides our Internet, phone and cable, we’ve without all 3 since Monday night! On top of that fun, out AT&T cell service isn’t so great at our house any time…so I have dropped off the radar all week in more ways than one! I have lots of email catching up to do that is for sure!

Pictures of our fun to come but momma got brave on day 2 of kiddos spring break and took the whole crew to Fernbank museum. It was a hit for the kids AND the other 1,000,000 kids whose moms had the same idea! Thankfully I ran into a dear friend (thanks Shannon!) who helped me round up my wild bunch from the nature exhibit…and we made it out of there and safely home for naps (dispite the gazillon road detours from fallen trees from the windstorm!)

Today momma got her first speeding ticket in about 10 years…female police officiers don’t seem as compassionate to minivan moms…and I actually had a really good reason although I was technically speeding so I’ll pay the price and avoid that speed trap in the future!

I’m packing my bags to head out with my Created for Care sidekicks Christy Elphick and Susan Hillis as we fly out to Denver for the weekend to learn lots at the Empowered to Connect Conference! So excited that they encouraged us to come so we can pick some topics for their ministry to share at the next Created for Care Retreat!

Ok…can’t wait to share pictures from the museum of my little ones hopefully as soon as the Comcast man fixes our service. He is coming out conveniently between 8am to 1pm;)

Here is some Young family trivia for you…can anyone guess what special day today is???? (Hint: On this day last year something BIG happened!)

Hope you all on spring break are enjoying it…and soooo looking forward to Denver ahead! Any one else gonna be there???



Meghan Dempster - April 7, 2011 - 7:18 am

Have a wonderful trip!!! I can’t wait to hear all the fabulous things that you will learn, and your travel buddies – jealous 🙂 Happy referral-iversary!!!

Karen - April 7, 2011 - 7:38 am

Just guessing … because our timelines were kind of similar … is it the anniversary of your referral? :o) Have a great trip!

April - April 7, 2011 - 10:03 am

I know, I know! (imagine all the kids raising their hands and about to jum out of their seats!:) your referal anniversary….how far you have come in a year! so you did fernbank….you want to tackle the zoo???? We got a pass and would love to take your crew! That would be 7 kids if we waited for the big ones to get out of school…easy, right? have a great weekend!