The Young Family Farm »

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It’s just another…

manic Monday! I’m still here…just busy being Monday and I have a few irons in the fire getting ready to move my bloggie blog to a new site! Hang tight! No big news in the adoption circle except our sweet, sweet case worker called us on Friday to check in. Things are slow right now at Hannah’s Hope–but there is a big group over RIGHT now picking up their little ones and another big group of 10 going over Christmas Eve for 10 days to bring home there little ones. We think with all these trips there should be A LOT of movement in January and February. We are really looking forward to 2010 over here!!!

Lots of fun pictures to share from our weekend…but for now we are heading to the grocery…yep–me and 3 kids under 5 to the grocery we go! I always love when I get stopped with the 3 of them to “Ma’am, you have your hands full!” Oh, if only they knew;). The Young’s thrive on chaos:-)

Thankfully, I only have to cook 2 meals this week since I’m married to a travelin’ man…and then guess who has a birthday this weekend:). I love birthdays and think they ought to be celebrated ALL week:). Since Christmas is NEXT week…maybe I should start celebrating another good year this week:). Ok, I’ll keep that in mind as I’m at the grocery. Happy early birthday to me:).

