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I stand amazed AGAIN!

Finally…everyone is in bed. I wasn’t going to blog…Rich has been out of town and JUST pulled in the driveway…he along with the 4 children are all sleeping soundly–BUT this is one day that has to be in our “blog to book” for Isaac to read one day…so it MUST be blogged:) And–before my sleep-deprived brain forgets…I must write it as I don’t want to forget a THING from today’s miracle!

Just over 3 months ago, we received Isaac’s referral. I was OVER-JOYED to hear our case-workers voice that day (if you missed that entry, you can read it here). I didn’t really share much about his referral at the time–other than he was severly malnourished and we felt like God was saying–HE IS YOUR SON…TRUST ME! We got the call on a runway in an airplane waiting to take off–so we didn’t get to see his pictures before praying about and deciding to move forward. I had prayed that the Lord would make our first referral phone call our son and give us the peace and strength to trust Him. As I listening on that airplane with my head practically ducked under the seat so I could actually hear every detail…my heart leapt and sank at the same time…

“Extremely malnourished…possibly born prematurely…7 pounds at 6 months…he is now 8 months and 10 pounds…isn’t able to drink formula so UNICEF is providing a special formula…8 months and not holding his head yet…not turning…” the list seemed to go on…BUT really—my heart heard very little of it…and the PEACE that surpasses ALL understanding over-rided. My heart LEPT. This was OUR SON!

I’ll NEVER, EVER forget the tears streaming down my face as my husband told me, “Who cares if he doesn’t walk! Who cares if he doesn’t lift his head! If this is the son God set apart for us—let’s do this!” MELT. The plane landed and I quickly dialed AGCI to shout, “We ACCEPT! We want to move forward!” Only…I got the answering machine saying they had closed for the day. That night I had a dream and saw that sweet face–AND he was CRAWLING. I am not a weird dream person—but I am now a weird dream person;)…because I KNEW that was from the Lord. He loves us so much–that although I TRIED to call and say yes right away—He wanted to assure me that HE WAS IN THIS before I did. It was SUCH a joy to call Kiersten, our caseworker at AGCI, and shout that next morning, “HE IS OURS!!! We know it! We want to move forward!” I will never forget her giggling on the other end and the TEARS on that phone call as we declared this was the Lord!

I will admit–I was scared. I flew to Ethiopia wondering. On Gotcha day…he cried–ALL. DAY. LONG. I was sure it was neurological reasons—he made no eye contact and I kept asking my mom and sister, “Something is off isn’t it?” BUT…I was so content and overjoyed–as I had my son. I just wanted them to break it to me easy and tell the truth…because I could take it. WELL…today–I got some truth and I am REJOICING! I know we may have setbacks…I know this is just the beginning BUT today we got such a great report and I am so thankful.

Because of the malnourishment, we had lots of tests run last week. Today–we got the results. I had Aunt Reid come over to stay with the kids while I took Isaac Temesgen–and to see our doctor walk in and SHAKE HIS HEAD and say, “This doesn’t make sense.” Then…he proceded to tell me how ALL his levels were perfect…his immune system BETTER than normal…his protein levels showed NO sign of malnourishment…his bone density—perfect…everything–to him–didn’t make sense. And again—MY HEART LEPT! Jesus said, “TRUST ME!!!” did He?! I wanted to tell our doctor that we sought the Great Physician before seeking his expertise and to us—it made PERFECT sense! He threw our nutrition plan out the door (we had discussed what direction we’d go in…Ensures, vitamins…extras of this and more of that). He said whatever we were doing was more than enough–because he had GAINED 2 pounds since we were there just 7 days ago! The only thing he could classify our son with today was “excessive weight gain”. HA! Did you hear that?! He was in awe of his cognitive and neurological gains…this 11 month old baby in my arms who has only heard the English language for 2 weeks did all “his tricks” on demand for Dr.Penny: he waved BYE-BYE…kissed mommy (my favorite!)…and he gave the doc a high five (actually several of them…because as soon as you see my son start smiling WHO can RESIST not holding your hand out there longer and letting him hit it a few more times!? Seriously?! He told me this wasn’t normal! I told him we fully expected some “not normal” results:)…but this wasn’t quite what I had in mind!


We will still be starting physical therapy, and we are praying and hoping he will crawl before he walks…and hoping he will crawl for awhile to stimulate more of that brain…so I’m perfectly happy if he just crawls this year and waits to walk at 2. Our doctor says crawling is very important for his mind and brain stimulation—so we’ll be doing LOTS of tummy time and putting patterns in front of him to help him focus and build brain connections. His upper body and strength is jello–so we have a ways to go…but I’m certain we will get there soon! So thankful for a good report…and I’m just AMAZED at what the doctor said today!!! Yes, it really doesn’t make sense does it?! I’m so thankful how the Lord has healed our son!!! He goes to sleep each night laying beside me and twisting my hair with his tiny fingers and rubbing my face. So thankful for the connection we are building and so thankful for all God is doing in his life and in our hearts in the process!!! I would have NEVER learned the things I’m learning had we not followed Him in the miracle of adoption…I totally get why people adopt again and again and again. It’s God’s heartbeat…caring for orphans and building families…and to share some of God’s heart…it’s just amazing!

Wish you all a great week!

Sara - July 14, 2010 - 12:02 am

Absolutely, positively, wondrously AMAZING!

emily - July 14, 2010 - 12:05 am

He indeed is good and the great Physician! Amazing report and love how He will receive all the glory for the miracles that will continue to unfold before you and those of us watching.

Erica - July 14, 2010 - 12:05 am

Incredible. Only God. The great physician! Praising our King with you!

Elle J - July 14, 2010 - 12:10 am

LOVE God’s work!! I’m happy right along with you, Friend!

Jenny - July 14, 2010 - 12:12 am

Praise the Lord! SO glad I saw this post before going to bed. Overjoyed about the great doc report.

Jenn - July 14, 2010 - 12:40 am

God is SO SO BIG! Just completely AWESOME!!!! Way to go Isaac T!!!


Kim - July 14, 2010 - 12:58 am

Our God is still in the miracle business! Praising Him! Love & Blessings, Kim

Alison - July 14, 2010 - 1:20 am

Praise God for an incredible report from the doctor! Such a miracle! So happy for ya’ll!

Shannon - July 14, 2010 - 1:39 am

Love, love, love this! Giggling and crying happy tears all at the same time! Go Isaac!

monica - July 14, 2010 - 6:50 am


april - July 14, 2010 - 6:53 am

praise the Lord! I am sitting here in years, happy tears, after reading another amazing thing our Savior, our awesome God has done! PRAISE GOD! I love what your husband said… “Who cares if he doesn’t walk! Who cares if he doesn’t lift his head! If this is the son God set apart for us—let’s do this!”

Tisha Alexander - July 14, 2010 - 7:16 am

Glory to be our GOD! What wonderful news and thank you so much for listening and following the Lord’s plan. You could of so easily said no to his referral, but you didn’t. I also totally get how people adopt again and again. What a perfect way to expand a family!

julie@Flitterbugs - July 14, 2010 - 8:09 am

How Beautiful!!!! Celebrating with you tonight!

Jenny - July 14, 2010 - 8:21 am

i’m still in awe of our God! He is so good! praising Him for His care of sweet Isaac!

Jim Chandler - July 14, 2010 - 8:53 am

I love seeing where God is at work in others lives and I can see He is definitely working here. My wife and I have been trying to adopt for five years and for one reason or another we’ve had to postpone our plans. Friday we brought home from the hospital our baby, Samantha Grace. As I said to my wife God works in very mysterious ways. I praise God for your little one and my little one.

Heather Cheatham - July 14, 2010 - 9:11 am

Rejoicing with you!!!! Yay Isaac T!!! Yay God!!!

Meredith - July 14, 2010 - 9:19 am

This is so incredible. I just read this to my husband through a trembling voice. This is another beautiful story about how the Lord blesses obedience. I am praying that God will continue to work miracles in Isaac’s life.

Heather - July 14, 2010 - 9:28 am

PRAISE THE LORD! I’m so overjoyed & thankful to our Savior for all He’s doing in baby Isaac’s life! Thank you so much for sharing this! I will continue to pray for his strength & for him to crawl soon! I am so blessed to follow your journey! Thank you for the details you are sharing with us!

Amy Nabors - July 14, 2010 - 10:12 am

What wonderful, wonderful news!! God will never stop amazing us if we let him. Crawling is so very important so you are on the right track with your plan.

Shelley - July 14, 2010 - 11:24 am

Praise the Lord for all that he does. I know that this will rest her heart a little in know God takes care of your little man. We will continue to pray that he crawls.

Heidi - July 14, 2010 - 2:17 pm

What a wonderful miracle from God! we too had health issues we were concerned with but ended up he’s so healthy! Praying for him to plow you away with being able to walk before you know it! You will be amazed how much strength they gain from being in a loving family! So happy for you!

natali - July 14, 2010 - 2:56 pm

how amazinggggg!!! praise GOD!! :))

Megan - July 14, 2010 - 3:08 pm

Isn’t that the best part of all of this! Feeling closer to God with each step we take toward adoption is so wonderful and reassuring. Adoption is the heartbeat of the Lord – so well said! Congratulations on your great report!

Shannon - July 14, 2010 - 3:37 pm

It is AMAZING isn’t it. The REBOUND. The GRACE. He is amazing. You’ll all do great! Keep going! (My guy gained 7 pounds bt the day we met and the 2.5 weeks later at first docs appt.) I’m so glad Isaacs blood is all normal. THAT IS GREAT!!

Betsy - July 14, 2010 - 4:59 pm

Rejoicing and praising with you! Honestly, I’m not really surprised… this first time I saw that boy’s picture I thought he looked perfectly perfect to me! Thank you for the encouragement and affirmation about Hannah’s Hope, it’s very encouraging to those of us still waiting!

Dawn - July 14, 2010 - 5:54 pm

OH WOW!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful TESTIMONY for HIM! What a wonderful witness to us all!!!! We should not be surprised- God is His Father! You obeyed, listened, and followed. Isaac is the result of much prayer, and yet I am blown away. How much more beautiful could it be?

Oh heavenly Father we give you praise for this beautiful miracle that you have given life to- and given it abundantly!!!

Erin - July 14, 2010 - 8:46 pm

REJOICING with you today! that is awesome news! Man, do we serve an AWESOME God!

Alisha Robertson - July 14, 2010 - 9:25 pm

Such wonderful news!!! And ahhhhh Dr. Penny. I just love him. He has cared for all three of my babies which are not babies now. I am so happy to hear how well he is doing. Here’s hoping for a crawler very soon!!! And hey Ella didn’t crawl till she was 11 months so it’s not that off. 🙂

melissa - July 14, 2010 - 11:11 pm

What great news!! I am just thrilled to hear the doctors reports. Truly amazing!

karen smith - July 15, 2010 - 12:02 am

Love it!!! Yeah Isaac!!! You grow boy! And isn’t God great. He is the Great Physician.

Andrea - July 15, 2010 - 2:20 am

Isn’t God’s work AWESOME!!! That is great news!

Billie Hobbs - July 15, 2010 - 6:25 pm

You said it all, Andrea. Miracles never cease to happen! We all serve an awesome God. Amazing, amazing what God has done for Isaac. Blessings,

JonesEthiopia - July 15, 2010 - 7:55 pm

I don’t know how people can’t believe in miracles. All one has to do is read this to know they happen.