Have you ever visiting that “How Does She” site? Well, it’s full of incredible ideas–that I surely couldn’t dream up–followed by step-by-step instructions on how to do it all. My best friend Kelly is a frequenter of that site–and every time she whips up something fantabulous–I ask her where she got the idea…without fail she says, “Girl, it’s fromHow Does She, that site I always tell you about.”
So…if you are ever looking for fun craft ideas–you must visit there.
Now–I don’t know how THEY pull it all off…but lately–that is one question I seem to get. Homeschooling. Cooking. Crafts. Laundry. Cleaning. Planning a retreat. Ministry. 4 kids. And now of course an added dimension of doctors appointments and health related things. You wanna know my secret to how I get it ALL done??
Well, here it is…and it’s to make those of you struggling to get it all done well…feel better:). Here it goes…
I don’t.
I don’t and can’t do it ALL.
I have figured out what I can and can’t do–and where my priorities and my time is best spent–and that is what *I* do.
Everything else–either doesn’t get done (one day my house will be organized) OR I ask for help (something I typically stink at.)
So…this is what I do focus on…
I homeschool. I (some times) cook (50% is shared with Rico Suave). I do crafts with the kids. I read, play and spend quality time with the kids. I take care of myself and make sure I get rest.
And everything else…I know I need help with…so I ask. Especially right now–I can’t do it all! (There is a time for everything…and the season I am in right now, requires help and then some more help:). We don’t have family that is over or able to help us even once a week–so we pinch here and there where we can–and we outsource where we can.
For ministry help–I have a sister (April) and a precious friend (Christy) who help me plan C4C retreat details when they are able…and about 20 AMAZING friends who have taken on jobs to help make the rest happen. So thankful. It couldn’t happen without them.
For cooking help–Rico Suave shares cooking duty with me…and we go out to eat 1x a week…I love the night we eat out:) And by the way–have you seen Outback’s gluten-free menu??? They rock!
For cleaning help and toddler help (so I can focus on school age kids learning…this is a HUGE privilege I know–and one I do not take for granted! But this year…it’s really a need!)–I have a precious girl (Karissa) come help me 2x a week on Monday and Wednesday. She has a degree in elementary education–so if the toddlers need me…she can take over the science lesson. And when the toddlers go down for naps at noon…she takes over laundry, vacuuming and helping me pick up. SHE IS AN ANGEL-and she blesses my soul! I also have another precious lady (Harriett) who comes over every Wednesday afternoon to do crafts with Parker and Laney so I can run errands and go to doctor appointments. Her daughter joins her–and they have so much fun playing together (and mommy doesn’t feel guilty while running errands because I know how loved they are and how much fun they are having!)
SOOO…THAT my friends is how I’m getting it all done:). I’m not superwoman that is for sure! I’m so thankful for the help that has been provided–especially right now!!!
Last year–I did it all by myself…but this year we knew I’d need more help…and the Lord provided two amazing Christian ladies to stand in the gap and help me thrive this year. Richard really felt it was important–and I wasn’t so sure. I love how the Lord leads our husbands–because the Lord KNEW what this year held for me…and that there would be no way to get it all done well without help. NOW–we actually pay less for help than we did for the kids when they were in school last year…and I am getting to spend more time with the kids during a time we just need to hunker down and be together and enjoy each other. Don’t you just love how the Lord knows the details–and how He provides even BEFORE you know your needs?? There have been days that I had to schedule appointments on Mondays and I was able to do them without having to play catch up with school as the sweet girl we found EVEN had a elementary teaching degree so she was able to help me keep right on going!!! I AM THANKFUL!!!
Soooo…before you think my house is effortlessly clean in pictures…or wonder when I have time for laundry…(trust me–I really wish I had my old energy back to do all these myself!!)…before you wonder HOW DOES SHE???…NOW YOU KNOW THAT I DON’T!!!
And don’t you feel better knowing that I *DO* know my limitations…and that I am taking care of myself instead of trying to do it ALL myself:)
After Karissa left today–and after the babies woke up–I decided it was time to make some Christmas cookies before daddy came home! What a sweet, fun memory!!!
SOME body is sooo happy to be making cookies!
And SOME body isn’t decorating as many as he’s sneaking…
Nothing is so sweet…than stepping back and watching your children make memories together…
And last but not least–THIS is for my dad…who is a HUGE Alabama fan…and despite his awareness that Rico Suave is a Georgia fan and momma is an Auburn girl…he sneaks his influence in. And I’m afraid he’s quite successful. Thought you’d love this dad:) [If you are reading this online and not in google reader or in your email–then scroll on down to the bottom and turn the blog music off so you get the full effect;)]
And yes–for the record…it’s permissible to dance on the table at our house;). Mom does it…so they can too:)
Hope ya’ll have a great week!!
by admin
andrea! yeah! I’m so excited to get the opportunity to come to created for care! can’t wait to meet you – I’ve heard wonderful things. following your blog now 🙂
Once again, thank you for your honesty, Andrea. So many times the pictures on the blogs can paint an unrealistic picture of women and how we can do it all perfectly. I know this isn’t intentional but it happens. It’s good to pause and thank all those people that are part of “our village” every once in a while. God Bless!!
Way to keep it real, sweet friend. I have reached my limit many times lately and sometimes feel like all I do is clean up one mess after another and what about actually enjoying these little people while I have them?? I definitely could use some help!
The video was the BEST way to open my day!! I just might have to watch that again!! =) And yes, I’ve wondered where you find the Superwoman strength to do all that you do – but more important than that, what stands out for me about you, is that you are a Do’er. You don’t make excuses, you just DO. You are so fantastic and such a great example.
Frank’s got moves!!! watch out ladies.
Good to know there is another mom out there who can’t do it all too! I finally had to let go of my unrealistic expectations on myself, and (like you said) just do the most important things! And I’ve had to learn to say no (and then not let myself feel guilty about it!)! 🙂
You are sooo FUN!!! It’s true- no one can do it all, but PRAISE GOD HE allows us to do what we can and takes over the rest!
Those moves of Frank’s are too funny! My 4 year old has some good ones but I haven’t captured them on video. He gets reserved if the camera comes out or if anyone is “watching” him! Loved it!
Thank you for sharing, Andrea! I will be the first to admit, I have always thought,”How in the world does she do it all?”..it really helps those of us who can’t do it all feel a bit better knowing that you also need help to juggle all the MANY tasks of being a Mommy! We all “wear so many hats” that it can be way overwhelming if we don’t ask for help. Love your honesty as always! (: