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Finishing up registration for the retreat!

Just posted a registration update on the retreat blog! Wow! If you have not yet paid for the retreat ($100 registration fee) you are half way there! SO…be sure to pay your registration fee if you did not when you registered!!! If you are mailing in your check–please email me for details on how to do that!

And on a personal note…I have some serious catching up to do for you all!!! We tried to go to the grocery store last night and ended up with a bird. His/her name is Princess Tiger–and I can’t wait to tell you all about him/her. If anyone knows how you tell the sex of a bird—please let me know so his/her name can be properly changed…OR don’t let me know–because it might make Laney or Parker sad depending on who is right and who is wrong. Laney named her Princess–and Parker named him Tiger. Pictures of Princess Tiger to follow;).

On an Isaac note–he did great in physical therapy today!!! He is pushing up a little on his legs…he just might be pulling up before no time!!! Such fun and exciting things happening at our house, huh?!

Hope you all have a great Wednesday!

April D - October 20, 2010 - 12:18 pm

This is amazing! My girlfriend and I wish SO much that we could come with our little ones, but I’ll be getting my Ethiopian beauties in the next few months so it’s not doable this year. HOWEVER, my girlfriend and I have already talked about hosting it in gorgeous SoCal next year, if this one is a hit. We have great connections and who wouldn’t want to come to SoCal in the middle of winter!?!?

If you’re interested in this, let’s talk. We have a great adoption network out here – and growing weekly! – especially Ethiopian adoptions. 🙂

julie@Flitterbugs - October 20, 2010 - 12:56 pm

What type of bird is it? You can typically tells by the way it is colored. Males are typically the pretty ones:) That’s my two bits on birds:)