Falling in love with the Savior…
As Valentine’s approaches…I am reminded of the one who persues me with an everlasting love…
“I have loved you with an everlasting love and I will continue my constant love” Jeremiah 31:3

His love is forever. It is constant. It will never stop. Be still…feel His love embracing you…
“The mountains may depart and the hills will be shaken but my steadfast love for you will never end.” John 54:10
Images of Haiti come to my mind…BUT YOUR STEADFAST LOVE will never end. Thank you Father for your steadfast love. Your love is present in the difficult times. Thank you even for the mountains and valleys in our lives. Your love will never end! Help us to cling to Your love no matter what…especially in these times! Your love has been revealed…always…open our eyes to see more of You oh Lord.
I have nothing to fear! The Lord is the one protecting me and my family…oh Lord it is true…you will keep us safe!
“You did not choose me, I chose you.” John 15:16
“I have called you by name, you are mine.” Isahiah 43:1
You persued me. You chose me. You even called me by name. I am all Yours. I lift my arms out to you today. Take me Lord. I dance before you. Only You Lord…You are all I need. You are enough. You are my Love…You are constant…You are forever…You can be trusted…and I trust You. And guess what Lord??
You are mine too.
You said it yourself…“I am the Lord your God.” Hosea 13:4″
Yes you are. You are mine. And I love you.
Fill us Lord with Your glory. Fill us Lord with Your love.
Happy Valentine’s.

by admin
That is filled with sweetness! Both in words and pictures!
oh, too sweet!! 🙂 kj