Here is some really cool info for ya! Did you know that according to the Jewish calendar—today…the day many Christians celebrate the resurrection…that Thursday, April 1st was actually Nisan 17…the day according to Jewish calendars when Jesus arose? SO…the actual Passover day on Monday of last week was the Nisan 14 day the day we remember our Savior being crucified. So funny that we go by the new calendar when it was the Jewish calendar that Jesus followed. I’m not going by the Jewish calendar of course…but I think for next year—I’m totally pulling out my new book on celebrating Biblical Holidays to follow along with Jewish calendar days. And you will be AMAZED at what COOLNESS we miss not knowing Jewish events and what days they actually fell on!
FOR EXAMPLE…check this out:
What are the CHANCES?!
Oh…just 1 in 783,864,876,960,000,000.
And if it weren’t for the Jewish calendar…I would have totally missed the WOW in that one.
God is so cool like that.
Just had to share!
There are so NO coincidences in my opinion!!!
Have a blessed day!
by admin
Cool…. like there was no coincidence that you became such an inspiration and amazing woman I call friend?! Yeah….. no coincidence. 😉 Just ordained.
Did you get the book on Biblical Holidays from the site you referenced in this post? My daughter’s best friend, who also happens to live next door, is Jewish and this looks like a fun way for us to do life together as Christian and Jew (and hopefully one day all Christian with Jewish heritage!)