So, so thankful–and speechless.
I just wanted to thank all of you for praying for Shadrack! We were at a stand still on our fundraising thermometer for the last 24 hours right at $1500–and thanks to the Lord leading an anonymous donor to complete the fundraising need–$5000 has now been raised and TREATMENT FOR SHADRACK CAN BEGIN!
Do your happy dances! Shout for joy! Amazing to see how the Lord cares for Shadrack. Can you imagine?? He is clueless we were raising money so he can start treatment. It just so happens Kevin and team are there now–another team leaving later this week…the phone call has been made and he will know THIS WEEK people on the other side of the world love him, support him and are praying for him!!
SO EXCITING! If you shared this…please share this news as well!!!
God is so good!!
by admin