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Catching up…Ethiopian Christmas…AND Oh Rosie–let me count the ways!

I’ve been missing in action working like a busy-momma-bee getting ready for the RETREAT which is JUST a few weeks away. The Lord CONTINUES to provide for this retreat in MIRACULOUS ways–and I truly believe He wants to do something big through it! I have some REALLY, super big exciting things happening behind the scenes–and while I’m anxious and want to go ahead and tell you all…some of the best things just have to wait! God has provided amazing speakers and breakout session leaders–and He continues to put things on my heart…and I can’t WAIT to welcome everyone and share the LONG LIST of God’s provisions and some of His purpose…and what He has laid on my heart! I think it’s pretty safe to say we will probably do this again and again–and I’m super excited to get to be a part of the very first ONE…and so excited for the ladies He has called to be together to rest in Him and seek Him together as adoption moms with hearts for the world. NOW…I’m not going to get carried away and I’m going to try to save the rest for my welcome!!! I’m SOOO excited! WOOT! Get excited ladies!!! Get ready to be blessed!

And SPEAKING of RETREAT. If you are waiting on your shirt to come–it’s a’comin’! NOW…I’ve been getting emails from people from all over the country asking things like…”next year, could your ministry please consider hosting the retreat more central–say in Denver”…and things like this. WELL…that makes me feel like I must have done a decent job on the website and it isn’t QUITE so obvious this crazy momma is the one behind the scenes…with just my sister and dear friend Christy tag-teaming. WELL…it’s also been this momma packaging the tee-shirts like a crazy lady…and you know how crazy it is to make USPS visits with FOUR kids in tow. It’s been QUITE the experience! And although I tried MY BEST to explain the ladies fit t-shirt sizing–I think some didn’t see the explanation AND I will say they are about 1-2 sizes smaller than normal (you need to order 1-2 sizes UP). NOOOOW…if you got your got your t-shirt in the mail and it fits like THIS…

BAH! HA! HA! (Christy and I love our hubbies with our same sense of humor!) PLEASE…by all means…don’t feel the need to come with a Tee painted on!!! Just bring your unworn/unwashed tee to the retreat for a little exchangey…and we’ll hook you up with a better fit.

NOW…on to more pressing matters…

THIS past Friday we celebrated Christmas in Ethiopia!!! It is very important for our family to teach our children all about Ethiopian traditions and to make it a part of our family’s life. SOO…we ventured off to celebrate with a few friends downtown Ethiopian style! How CUTE are these boys…

This was Cliffy G. and Isaac’s FIRST Ethiopian Christmas!!! So fun for these three to celebrate it together!!!

Sweet Laney wanted to wear her Ethiopian dress too…

AND THEN…we ended the night how you always end the night when celebrating with Cliffy G…he breaks it down of course…everyone loves some Cliffy:)

NOW…you wanna know what the most frequent question I have gotten this week has been?! Nothing about life, my kids, the retreat…but about ROSIE. “SO, how’s it going with Rosie???”

WELL…I tell you–it is the STRANGEST thing because you all know how I feel about dogs. BUT I know it’s crazy, but I really feel like ole Rosie was a Godsend. She has added giggles to our house, helped dry tears and even motivated Isaac to attempt standing on his own more (dog therapy people–I think there is something to it!) Richard and I KEEP looking at each other and saying, “Can you believe it? Man, what are the chances we’d ever have another pet like her?” I’ve gotten emails from people who have heard what a good girl she is asking what breed she is. She is a mixed breed–german shepherd…gentle, calm, doesn’t bark and ONLY cries when one of the babies cry. Seriously–a dream dog. She is sleeping right at my feet while I type (YES I KNOW on my list of things for a pet was OUTSIDE…but you don’t even know she’s here until you try to stand up and realize there was something at your feet sleeping! She is THAT easy!)

SOO…you have to see just a little Rosie action…

Sooo…this is Isaac throwing a fit and I couldn’t calm him down. SO…I brought him in the same room with Rosie. Rosie doesn’t get excited or geared up with the fussing–she just is concerned…looks up and cries just a bit when he does.

NOW…Isaac really gets going…I seriously had tried everything–snacks, sippy cup, holding, bouncing…he is just approaching 18 months and we all know terrible 2’s really starts around that time…

THEN…I pull in help and Rosie comes…

GIGGLES abound…and little man even forgets he is standing BY HIMSELF because he is so into the dog!!! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT ADDING A PET WOULD MAKE MY LIFE EASIER?!

I wish you could hear Isaac squealing and giggling here…

And Rosie girl just sits—waiting for it to be over…she is SO patient! She moved to the foyer to go back to her rest…and of course look who crawled behind…

Isaac loves to talk to her and he’ll lay on her and hug her–and she doesn’t budge.

THEN little man crawls over to perform his favorite Itsy-Bitsy spider where he does the hand motions! His fine motor skills are still developing but he raises his hands for climbed up the water spout!

My FAVORITE part of his song is what he does RIGHT before “washed the spider out”…he holds his hands like this and then lets them fly out…SO PRECIOUS!

And of course he cheers for himself when he’s finished!

The itsy-bitsy is our way of giving ole Rosie a break–because then it’s right back to Rosie…

SWEET Rosie…NEVER thought I’d say that about a dog…much less about one at MY house!

She’s even house-broken! And she asks kindly to go out…

And she doesn’t have to worry about anyone forgetting she’s out there…they wait at the door until she comes back in!

Truly…life is good! The kids are at such fun stages…Frankie baby is starting to talk more (kind-of…but we still can’t understand him:)…Isaac is standing–not walking YET…but hopeful it’s around the corner. We’re still doing physical therapy weekly–and we are in the midst of retreat planning AND I am 99% sure we will be leading a trip to Africa this summer…so things are good–and I am thankful! It’s supposed to SNOW tomorrow in the South so OF COURSE they have already cancelled school tomorrow–so I’m super excited to have everyone home tomorrow…sounds like a pj day!!! Love to you all…and excited to meet and see many of you very, very soon!



Angela - January 9, 2011 - 11:05 pm

I am SO excited about the retreat! 🙂 Also, busted out laughing at y’all’s husbands wearing the shirts! So funny!

kristi johnson - January 9, 2011 - 11:18 pm

Maybe Santa will bring our 6 kiddos a puppy this christmas..they are already begging for it…and I can’t stand…i mean I do really love dogs too much 🙂 I like other people’s dogs…just don’t want one of my own 🙂 Looks like lots o fun at your pad these days, kj

Melanie Strobel - January 9, 2011 - 11:40 pm

Love your little man and his new best friend. Looks like the perfect dog now resides at your house. Happy snow day! Mel

Alison - January 9, 2011 - 11:44 pm

So excited that we have no school tomorrow too! YAY!! I’ve got to order my shirt too…can’t wait for the retreat!!!

Kim - January 10, 2011 - 9:12 am

Oh our kids are begging for a dog! Daddy says, “Let’s wait til we get back to the States.” But something tells me they will wear him down sooner!

Beth - January 10, 2011 - 1:45 pm

So excited about the conference! Thank you for all that you are doing!

Erin Crenshaw - January 10, 2011 - 3:33 pm

Loved seeing IT with Rosie! Happy Snow Day! We were out, too! We had so much fun!

leslie masterson - January 10, 2011 - 3:35 pm

Looove that new header picture of Frank. Gave this momma a good laugh right when I needed it. What a precious boy!

Candy Pearson - January 10, 2011 - 5:08 pm

Oh my gosh! I love seeing our boys together! So glad you could celebrate Ethiopian Christmas with us! Cliffy G hearts Issac!!

Dawn - January 10, 2011 - 6:13 pm

LOVE your fun ETH Christmas time 🙂 he he he

I LOVE the effect that pets can have on kids- especially hurting and hard to deal with children. Seriously a GREAT asset to have 🙂

Chrystal - January 11, 2011 - 3:23 pm

so jealous of little rosie, and here I was one of the ones telling you that you were CRAZY for even considering it. 🙂 We got “Sammy” (boxer/lab mix) at only 8wks and let me just say.. he whines, barks, whines (until he gets his way), BITES (hard, too!), pee’s, poops… um, yeah.. let the FUN begin. Add 5 little girls, which one who refuses to allow us to even “try” to discipline w/ a firm “no”, and well.. you can SEE why I told you to run like the wind, woody! 🙂 I’m seriously SO happy that Rosie fits in so perfectly with your clan… def. a gift from God, because sister.. I’m on the other side & if little Sammy wasn’t so stinkin’ cute, he’d be outta here faster than little Frankie baby can pound away a donut. hahahaha