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And the T-SHIRT give away for the Dockery family T IS…drum roll please…

SO with the older 2 off at school and ITY crashed after a night awake–Frankie-baby and I decided it was TIME to draw to see which of my commenters from THIS post wins a free t-shirt! SO we got ready—I wrote out ALL the commenter names…PLUS we added Frank to make it an even number just for the heck of it…Frank put all the names in a hat…I TOLD him to SHAKE IT UP…but my English doesn’t always translate so well to Frankie-baby…“No Frank! Shake! Shake!” Amazingly NONE of the names fell out and he got the shaking down pat!NEXT…I told him to hand me a piece of paper…He handed me ONE…then TWO…and then TEN!He was having SO much fun…and who can stop Frankie-baby from having fun?!

NEXT…he decided the other 10 needed to be thrown away…No offense to the other 10 names…I think he just really wanted the hat to be EMPTY so he could do THIS…Because Frank really doesn’t talk…he surely doesn’t READ…so I promise it was just CHANCE that one of the names he drew was HIS…SO…I guess there are not 1, not 2…BUT 10 winners according to FRANK!

My bestfriend Kelly has been selling the things our kiddos have outgrown on ebay for me b/c she is cool like that…so my xtra cash stash and then some is going to bless the Dockery adoption and TEN of you will new t-shirts! They have already been paid for–so all you have to do if you are a winner is email Abby (I’m sending all the winners an email with her email address)–give her your size AND address and it’ll be on it’s way. Abby already had the list of winners so she’s waiting to hear from…

1. Frank! (since it won’t fit him…he is donating his win to his momma…she’d like a small Abby!)
2. Julie @ Flitterbugs3. Andrea –
4. Sarah Hurst
5. Meredith –
6. Megan –
7. Christy –
8. Mandy –
9. April – from Canada!
10. Kelly Jo –

Congratulations to the 10 winners…and you have FRANK to thank for getting crazy during the drawing this morning!!! NOW…off to get ready for a homestudy review…thankful RICH is home from Houston and playing Mr.Mom for a bit…and then off to ITY’s big doc appointment. Thank you for praying guys!!!

Andrea - August 20, 2010 - 11:02 am

Yeah!!! I just bought one last night! It will be great to have another!!!!

Mandy - August 20, 2010 - 11:25 am

Oh my Frank baby is so cute I just want to kiss him! So happy I won! I LOVE adding shirts to my “adoption” collection as I call it! Sierra says “mom all you were are those shirts!”

Alison - August 20, 2010 - 11:31 am

So FUN! And congrats to the winners!!

Megan - August 20, 2010 - 12:40 pm

Andrea you are the sweetest thing ever! We’ll wear it PROUDLY over here!

Kelly Jo - August 20, 2010 - 12:46 pm

Thanks Frankie-Baby!!! I so wanted this shirt!!! 🙂

SleepyMom - August 20, 2010 - 2:06 pm

Frank is too funny. My 1yr old also loves sweets (all day I hear, “need a treat, need a treat”, “candy mommy, need candy”). He also sneaks into the garage and tries to drink out of the empty soda cans. Good to know we’re not alone…

Meggan McFaden - August 20, 2010 - 2:11 pm

I love following your blog. Would you please let me know the name of the songs you use on your blog. Thanks Meggan @ Texas

Meredith - August 20, 2010 - 3:38 pm

Yay! Thanks for picking my name, Frank! My husband and I love these shirts! I am going to order one for him, too.