For those of you reading scripture alongside me this year…thank you for your patience. My hubby has been gone on biz for the past 3 days—he comes back in a few hours so I can say that now;)…and it’s been a crazy 3 days being solo. PLUS I decided to do a little surprise to show you guys and the hubby…almost done:) The suspense continues;).
Funny story. As you may know–we are a part of Wiphan Care Ministries and we have 2 schools in Zambia where we serve 450 orphans and 150 widows. This is just normal to our kids–as this is all they have ever known…and they love our orphans and widows and…they are even a little protective of them. SO…today Parker, my 5 year old, came home and said that someone said something at preK today that he didn’t think was very kind. I *finally* got it out of him. He said, “Mommy—my friend was laughing and saying he wanted to color a black widow, and I didn’t think it was very nice…it made me sad.”
I had to explain to him that a black widow is ALSO a spider…and most 5 year old boys think black widow spiders are really cool…and coloring those kind of black widows is okay. Just had to share that one…our lives some times just get funny with how our kids perceive things! But I do love that he is so protective of our widows! Had to share:).
by admin
🙂 That is funny! And can’t wait to hear/see the surprise! Have a good night! 🙂
Aww…so sweet. What a heart on that boy!
oh that’s so sweet!!! love that!
Parker is soooo sweet!
awww…what a sweet and tender heart 🙂 That is SO sweet!