After falling in love with Africa through Wiphan Care Ministries (www.wiphan.org) in 2007, my husband and I felt the Lord tuggin’ our hearts to grow our family and for us, adoption just made perfect sense. In 2010, we welcomed home the 6th member of the Young family, and in March of 2011–we took another step of faith in growing our family AGAIN…this time being led to special needs in China. A couple of years later–we were surprised in our 40s with a BABY…and as a family of 8…I think we are done growing. BUT we have learned to never say never! This is our journey to open our hands and hearts to whatever, whenever, however the Lord wants to use our family, our home and our resources for His glory. (This blog is also an outlet to keep this stay-at-home momma of a crew sane…full of crafts, recipes and devotionals that our crazy reaps!) We invite you to join our hands and hold them out to be available and used for His glory!
I believe we need orphans and widows in our lives far more than they need us…we need each other…to do life–real life–TOGETHER. Wiphan school educates almost 750 orphans and 150 widows daily. You can read more about Wiphan’s school in Zambia and join us in what God is doing at www.wiphan.org
I truly believe the Lord can use all of us—RIGHT WHERE WE ALEADY ARE—to make a BIG difference in this world! It is my hope that my blog can be an encouragement to other mommies among the mounds of laundry (despite another pull-up left in the washing machine) and just being authentic and available.
We feel privileged to be raising 5 children, tip-toeing into foster care and also get to pour out into the ministries the Lord has led us to. May you also be blessed as you follow Him…
P.S. In 2013 welcomed home our 5th little love! If you missed the video when we posted it…here is the sweet moment we arrived home and Zeke’s brothers got to meet him! Our 2 bigs traveled with us (best decision EVER!) But it was in this moment–that we were finally all together…all family…with all my little chicks under one roof. A good day–and one so special we’d love to share it!
by admin