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A sweet weekend…

Just a quick family update–because I rarely have time to update as we are chasing 5 littles! This weekend Cousin Emily got married–and Loo-bear was the flower girl. P-man and Frankie baby participated in the fun! AND Zeke and Isaac went off for the FIRST time together to Nana and Papa’s…Zeke’s FIRST weekend away since he’s been home from China (almost 4 months now!)

Here is momma with her 3 oldest loves…

Loo bear did an amazing job walking down the aisle. So sweet!! And ZEKE…he did GREAT at his first weekend away!! ONLY–his Papa was naughty and took full advantage of his being away from us. The stinker went out and bought Zeke and Isaac BAMA gear. He should be ashamed of himself considering Rico Suave is a Bulldog and I’m an Auburn girl. This is how my children are returned to me…

Such a mess…but such sweetness.

Four months home and our love is adjusting with such grace and big love. So proud of him and all the changes he has endured. He is saying a few English words and phrases! After 4 months home some are: I uv you (I love you), cookies, mama, dada, I-ack (Isaac), Wane (Laney), Arker (Parker) and of course…no, no, no, no, NO! He is a typical, lovable, scrumptious 2 year old and we are so connected already–and I am thankful.

And update how the bigs are doing. Adjustment bringing home a new one is not just hard some times for the littles–but some times hard for the bigs–but this time–they have adjusted so smoothly and with such BIG LOVE. They were upset this weekend to have Isaac and Zeke gone. Laney cried at the wedding saying she was just so happy and just so sad! Sad that Zeke and Isaac weren’t with us–but just so happy that Cousin Emily was getting married to Kevin! So sweet.

Another sweet moment that must be documented. A conversation between Parker and I last week. So many worry and ask how their big kids might be effected by adoption. THEY WILL BE effected. And this is just one way how they might be…We drove past a Chinese restaurant called ChinChin and this conversation happened:

Parker: “MOM! ChinChin! That has got to be a Chinese restaurant–right?”

Me: “Yep! That’s right. Parker, if you had to pick ONE moment in China–just ONE day that was your favorite what would you say? The day we went to the Great Wall? Or what about that awesome Chinese circus? There were so many places we visited and things we did–what was your FAVORITE?”

Parker: “Mom. That’s easy for me. It was when I saw him walk through that door. At the orphanage. He was so little. And scared. And shy. It was the first time I saw him. Then that night–Laney and I had him laughing. We had him in that laundry basket–singing ‘Make way for Prince Ally” and he was laughing. Everything changed that day. Yep. That was my favorite.”

Oh my heart. Yes–your children will be changed.

And I did my best to play the “cool boy mom” as we drove.

Me: “Yep. That was cool Parker. Totally an awesome day.”

We continue to trust the Lord to write our stories–and to trust Him for healing over our children as they adjust. We are so thankful for how He grows families…some times through brokenness–but such JOY comes in the morning as we trust in Him.

Indeed. Parker–that was my favorite day too.

Much love to you all!


Beth - October 29, 2013 - 9:51 am

Wow….I am impressed at your ability to control your emotions when your little guy said that about his little brother! I’d have been blubbering all over the place!! Haha!!
We are working on bringing a little girl, Haoren, home from China. We have just started the process but have picked her out. We’ve been accepted by our agency and are working on getting our preliminary paperwork to China for their ok to adopt this special needs little sweetheart. We have adopted before…a little boy from an interrupted adoption. We also have a BUNCH of big kids! By the way, thank you for the Chinese cheat sheet! It will come in handy!! Blessings, Beth