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a good day:)

Today was one of those “I could live here” kind of days.

Our day began at the school playing with the children. I found precious Mumi…and this mommy found ringworm all over my precious new little one. She is dressed like a boy…with an open jacket, dirty pants and no shoes. We played together…and this morning I caught a glimpse of a little smile. (HOPE.)

We returned to the lodge by 9:30am to prepare for the widows conference that began at 10am. 150 widows trailed in…and their conference was so sweet–full of worship and such healing. I reminded them of His great, BIG love for them. How He was their groom…how He says “She is MINE…I love her” about each of them. We put wedding bands on each of them from them to remind them of their commitment to Him and how they are “taken”. In Zambia, when a woman is widowed–she is left destitute. The deceased’s family comes and takes all of the belongings–and the widow…is left with no place to even live. She must start over. To be a widow here…often means feeling abandoned and they desire to feel wanted, valued and “taken”. To be reminded that their King in heaven says this of them, made tears stream down their precious faces.

And then…there were songs of worship…a time of prayer…followed by lots of dancing together.

After lunch, we went to town…and as we ventured through the streets…I thought, “I could live here.” It’s just good to remind your heart that this place is NOT our home. We were made for heaven…and we should never get too comfortable in any place here on Earth.

Around 4ish-we went over to one of the schools. When I got out of the car I heard many shouts of children saying, “Mumi! Mumi! Mumi!” When the children see me–they know this sweet girl is “taken”:-). I sat with many of the children and explained to them that God doesn’t look at outer appearance, but at the heart. And I told Mumi how very beautiful she is. I found her mother and tried to teach her how to put ointment on her roundworm marks (I told her it was princess cream of course;). BUT unfortunately her mom is unable to care for her–because she not mentally capable. She was holding her 1 year old baby who was crying to be nursed…desperate to eat. I had to tell help her feed him…she kept forgetting. Realizing that she would never be able to treat Mumi’s wounds–I found a 17 year old girl who promised to be up for the challenge. I explained to her how special this little girl is to me…and she agreed to complete the 14 day treatment for me. This mommy will be back:) I love this little girl!!!

I tried to explain to her mom why it was so important to make sure she is protected. How valued she is. But I quickly saw she was mentally ill. The amazing thing is—is this girl and her big brother are okay. And I hope the same for the baby. In January–this sweet girl will be old enough to get in Wiphan!!! Super excited for her to be safe during the day. No–she is not an orphan…but she is in need of care…and she is what we call a vulnerable child. And there is room for her:) Excited!!

Tomorrow is child sponsorship day. Half of our team leaves to go home:(. We are here until Sunday. Oh my…I have some really amazing news–can’t wait to share:).

mitzi - July 20, 2011 - 6:16 pm

praying more “i could live here” kind of days head your way! 😉

Dawn - July 20, 2011 - 7:48 pm

PRAYING for you all! What beautiful blessings…..

Natalie - July 20, 2011 - 9:58 pm

beautiful….it makes my entire body crave ethiopia. i want to be in africa. thank you for allowing me to slip away for a moment….your blogs are so special. Praying for you.

jenn - July 21, 2011 - 8:12 pm

Living vicariously through your posts. Wishing I was there soaking in the beauty of God’s grace flowing out among all those people! Can’t wait to hear more!

Shelly - July 21, 2011 - 10:18 pm

No fair on the amazing news… and you’re not sharing!! LOVE this post. You’re doing good work over there, girl. Keep running the race!