What a fun weekend the Young fam had! Rico Suave (aka the hubby) took me on a date Friday night to one of our fav spots—such fun! Then Saturday we got up bright and early…put on some Christmas cheer…and got ready to go to a cookie decorating party at an old friend’s house. When I say we put on our Christmas cheer…I mean we LITERALLY get dressed in a way that should bring cheer to all that see us…or maybe I should say Rico Suave is the true leader in our Christmas cheer wardrobes…but Laney is sweetly supporting Poppy Dips (www.http://www.itspoppydip.blogspot.com/)
Oh yes—my hubby wore these pants IN PUBLIC. He wears these every year. And they not only make others laugh—but they make us smile too. These pants (along with countless others like them) belonged to Richard’s dad who left us 7 years ago to be with the Lord. He had QUITE the wardrobe…and one that Rico Suave wasn’t willing to let go of. So…on holidays, football tailgates, double dates with couples…he likes to pull out an appropriate pair whether it’s plaid, yellow or red…and if I’m lucky (or not so lucky) he wears the white patent leather shoes too. Watch out! I like to tone things down a bit…isn’t my crew just scrumptious?!
And I can’t believe my sweet little baby is soon to be 14 months! WAAAA! He makes my heart sing!
That smile of his…just too cute! This image was snagged on a very murky, rainy Saturday morning. I use 100% natural light when taking my pictures—natural light leads to more natural skin tones. All are taken on manual mode and I tend to stick with lower aperture settings (also known as f-stops). This image is taken at 2.8 f.stop and 1/320 shutter speed. The lower the f.stop–the more bokeh you create (background blur). Because of the darkness though–I also adjusted my ISO settings—bumping it up to 800. Just a little picture technical info for those of you who like photography as a hobby:)
My little man is STILL not walking!!! When little bro comes home in 2010 and wants to be held all the time…either this one better be walking or my hips are really in for some weight carrying!!! [Image above taken at 2.8 f.stop / 400 ss / 800 ISO]
Thankfully we have older ones that are trying their best to encourage him to walk—Frankie baby actually took his VERY FIRST STEP on FRIDAY! So…we’re getting there! P-man SQUEALLED and screamed when Frank took the step in his room. SO SWEET to hear him get so excited for him. This little guy is well loved that is for sure! And he has QUITE the personality…he even threw his first tantrum this mornin’ before church. UH OH–he may be my “spirited” child;).
We’re off to an advent celebration with our small group—then lots of meal prep this week! We’re having both Rico Suave’s family and my family over on different nights for dinner this week. I found the most yummy ham recipes—and yummy desserts in Food magazine. And I’ve gotta snag a picture of our Christmas card world bulletin board display because it’s beautifully packed with Christmas card. Looks like I’ll have to make a bigger world next year! I love our growing world of relationships…and I feel especially blessed for all the new adoption friends/families we’ve connected with in 2009!!! What an exciting 2010 we all have ahead! The Lord truly is so good…and how thankful I am for the joy He fills in hearts when surrendered completely to Him! Merry Christmas sweet friends!!!
by admin
Love the pictures!!!! Hey, you know my dad was great at wearing crazy clothing at the craziest times too….hmmm…..oh well- call it a Blessing 🙂
Keep the photo info coming! Are you on the ILP boards? I love to lurk there!
Sweet babies, Merry Christmas!