A few things I’m cherishing as I come nearer to my 40s are the simple things…
1. Whatever that dream is on your heart…be brave–and jump when the opportunity presents itself.
For us…it was–
The farm.
Just wished we had followed our dreams sooner…but following them is better than not…no matter if it took a little bit of faith and far too long to finally jump.
I see now why it was on our hearts. Far more than just a dream. But where we would connect…grow…be still…and really find even “us” again.
2. Argan oil.
Hilarious right? This stuff is am-aaaaaaaa-zing!
No pyramid plan, scheme or sign up under anyone required. Just buy that liquid gold at Wholefoods or Amazon Prime…this organic goodness is my favorite thing over coconut oil. If you want healthy skin, strong nails or longer-strong hair…it’s liquid gold I tell you. Trust me and buy a bottle. It will be your new best friend.
3. Slower, wiser–older friends.
Friendships with friends 30 years ahead in life as you.
Cherish these friendships…and embrace slowing down enough for them.
They ground you and bring such sweet wisdom and joy to your world. They teach you that 90% of what you worry about or fill your time with…really isn’t that necessary at all.
If you don’t have them–be intentional and seek them out. They won’t mix well with the busy world and you can’t check your phone in their presence without being properly put in your place…and you learn and remember what the simplicity of life and friendships are supposed to look like.
And their sweet tea and ‘nana pudding is superior…to be learned from;). Thank you Pat and Hugh for the kiddos there;) And the 2nd batch of cilantro seeds after I didn’t correctly follow your directions on my first batch;)
Thankful for these days…where you might not be hearing from me as much unless you happen to stop by and sit a spell on the porch. Life as it should be.
Blessed!! And blessings back to you!