OK people…watch out! A few days without crafts and she goes into dt’s. So…here are just a couple of fun things to fill your Valentine week with…
Wrap your loved ones with a little bit of love with an easy-as-pie heart scarf! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!
For this fun project–you’ll need 3 100% wool sweaters (use old ones that no longer fit and the stiffer the better…OR do like we did and go to the Good Will!), yarn, scissors, a heart pattern and a large needle (we got a plastic one for working with yarn crafts at Hobby Lobby)[3 sweaters will make approximately 3 scarves]
1. Cut out a heart pattern out of paper and secure it to each sweater to use as a pattern to cut out hearts…
2. Make sure you have the same number of hearts for each sweater design…
3. Piece each heart together using a criss-cross stitch to hold the hearts together…
4. If your hearts are a bit floppy, you can do a simple in and out stitch to better hold them together…[the purple sweater wasn’t 100% wool so it was a bit softer/more floppy than the others…the 2nd scarf I make I’m just using the cream and red stripes because they are 100% wool and much firmer and easier to work with as a scarf]
How cute will Laney-loo be sporting THIS to school?!
When you get in a scrape…I’ll be there…
This next activity is fun to do for your kiddos—and if they are older they can do this one themselves (mine decorated several themselves and they attempted hearts but most of them have white and red polka dots…still it was a fun activity for them!] Here are a few of my fun little designs that will be fun to pull out through out the year…
These would make fun little treats for you to give your little ones—but if you decide to do this craft together and you have little ones like me, I recommend buying some fun Valentine stickers that they can use to decorate some bandaids…[Our stickers would some times go over the bandaid edge—just take a pair of scissors and carefully trim the sides trimming the extra sticker off.]
Thoughts from today’s reading…
In Exodus 29-31, we are once again reminded that we serve a God of detail…and ORDER. A wise mommy once said to me when advising me on how to make decisions: “Ask yourself, does it bring order out of chaos or chaos our of order? We serve a God of order—not confusion.” God was very careful to leave no question to how the tabernacle, alter…all the way down to the priest’s robes where to be put together. The ongoing theme in these chapters are also that these things and sacrfices were to be HOLY. What I offer as a sacrifice to the Lord–should be seen by me and IS seen by Him as holy. This reminds me to slow down in the PROCESS of giving and to PRAY over my offerings. Use these Lord for YOUR glory. Make Your name known through these sacrifices. I annoint these with prayers and ask for you to receive them as a pleasing aroma…thank you Lord for allowing me to be a part of Your will.
Exodus 31:12-18…another reminder to us to keep the Sabbath day holy. Lord, I have not done this well. I ask for Your forgiveness. I praise you that when we confess our sin, you forgive—and we can start new. I want to keep the Sabbath day as a day to honor, praise and rest in You.
I plan to start cooking meals on Saturday so we can have the leftovers on Sunday. No matter my children’s ages, I want to encourage rest time and time alone with the Savior…and for my preschoolers—this may simply mean talking to them about God and asking them to go color things He has made or simply to color for Him…whatever you do…do it for the glory of God. I bought some really fun felt boards with felt Bible stories that will be fun to use after church on Sunday’s to teach the children stories with and then let them play and retell the stories to one another. AND HYMNS…how we love to sing hymns as a family! Sunday will be a fun time to sit together and sing hymns, go on thankgiving and prayer walks…where we thank God for what we see and pray for homes and people we pass…give us creativity through the Holy Spirit Lord how to bring utmost glory to You on the Sabbath! I’m anticipating Sunday already!!!
by admin
Love the crafts…especially the bandaids 🙂
The crafts are a super-great idea! Love the scarf! Wish I had a little girl to put it on! =)
We often struggle with keeping the sabboth day holy as well. We really have to make an effort to plan ahead, and invite people over for lunch rather than going out for lunch.