If you missed yesterday’s post, check it out and join us in helping refer readers to our Wiphan site! SO FAR…the top 3 winners in the running for the MOST visitors for our new fun TEE are…
2. http://shannonholden.com/blog/ (who just wrote a MUST read on her blog about her experience sponsoring Fostina!)
3. FACEBOOK! (ok…so not sure who is rackin’ up the Facebook hits…BUT THANK YOU!)
The contest goes to Friday and we’re going to do the most hits from the week—so be a voice for the voiceless ON YOUR BLOG and take a minute to share Wiphan with your world! YOU ALL ROCK BY THE WAY!!! So thankful:)
And we have our OFFICIAL March numbers!!! YAY! Can you believe I shared Wiphan first?! Well, OF COURSE, I did! Those kids are the HERE and NOW…and they need us NOW!!! Did I tell ya I’ve officially decided to head out on a jet plane this May?! Oh yeah—our adoption is movin’ slow these days…and I’ve got ants in my pants to give hugs to our kids!!! SO…I figured going now is best as I’ll be working on attaching and bonding to our Babe come Fall. Yes, I can’t think summer…this mommy has to protect her heart and say Fall:). SOOOOO…enough ALREADY! Gimme the numbers you say?!
Our boy number is…
Dueteronomy 16:11 “And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your son and your daughter…and the stranger and the orphan and the widow who are in your midst, in the place whre the Lord your God chooses to establish His name.”
Our girl number is…
Dueteronomy 26:13 “You shall say before the LORD your God, ‘I have removed the sacred portion from my house, and also have given it to the Levite and the alien, the orphan and the widow.”
Have trouble seeing those numbers??? Well…if you do–you just might be colorblind! I’m just sayin’. So…our boy number is 16 and girl is 26. Several referrals have gone out which aren’t included in these numbers–so we are already a bit lower. If I had to guess I’d guess we could/would/just might get our referral in August. Just a guess! My prayer now is that we will miss the court closure in August and September. Regardless…THY WILL BE DONE! And in the MEAN time…I’m jumpin in Wiphan and pouring my heart into the widows and orphans who need us to do that RIGHT NOW. I love living in the now:)
Still reading? Still with me?! Today’s reading was historical and cultural–but don’t give up!!! He is shining in every piece we read. And what a blessing to have others to be accountable with!
I know as the weather warms up…well as anything changes…it can be very easy to get side-tracked. Let us not give up on the reading of His word!!! Did you know that less than 10% of professed Christians have ever read the entire Bible?! Is it important to know and understand His Word if you are a professing believer? What happens any time in life when you just hear part or tidbits of a story? I don’t know about you–but if I only know tidbits of a story, I’m not ENGAGED. Just tonight on the phone I spend hours getting to know one of my dearest friends better. Her story–her and her husband’s courtship…and I feel so much closer to her knowing more of her story. Did you know the Lord loved YOU so much that He didn’t leave ya out there to wonder or wander. From front to back–His Word is simply amazing revelation of WHO He is. Do you know Him?
Before I left for China after graduating for college–I memorized Dr.Shadrach M. Lockridge’s speach on WHO HE IS. THIS is who you will find HE is when you READ His Word…EVERY SINGLE DAY. Ohhh…He is EVERYTHING. He is ENOUGH! Watch this…and know Him just a bit more today! He is real! He is alive! AND…HE IS MY KING! And this momma…will follow this King ANY WHERE! AMEN! And what a sweet memory it was when I couldn’t think of how else to share Him with my Chinese friends than to have these words also stored in my mind…
by admin
This is fabulous ! Shockley was apart of the MLK 25 commemorative anniversary this past year. I look forward to sharing this with my family. No blog…put Wiphan on my facebook…hopefully, it will expose more people. Still not sure how all this works…but.My King does ! and He will put the right hearts on this…I am hoping our family considers sponsoring a child as their Easter gift to Christ. Is there any specific name or connection that is made through this?
I love it. And feel very challenged by your memorization of Dr. Lockridge’s speech! And I didn’t remember you spent time in China after graduation. We have got to meet and compare stories!
So excited about your new numbers. Love, love, love how you found such perfect verses to mark this special day.
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
I love that video clip and speech! I think this is something I will challenge my daughter to do! She is graduating this year from high school. In just a few short months…. in those same few months I’ll look forward to celebrating your referral! 🙂 And…. how exciting that you are traveling in May!!!! I sent you an e-mail! Hurry up girl and get back to me! This is killing me!!! LOL Praising God for your numbers today! Congratulations!
Yay! I like the numbers, seems there has been some movement! I still need to post about wiphan, but I will!
Hey! I’ve always loved That’s My King! They did it at a Beth Moore conference while everyone was just waiting…it was so cool that about halfway through the whole entire colliseum was engaged and shouting and praising along with it! It was awesome! Hope you guys are doing well! I for one am so thankful for the son!
LOL…I typed son…but meant sun…but I AM thankful for the Son and the sun! 🙂
Alright done! http://www.rossientertainment.net
Ok, Andrea, I have to admit that your heart preparations for an August referral are stressing me out 🙂 They are causing me to make new heart preparations…oh, how I would love to be home by Christmas…congrats on your update! K