I managed to get the children all out the door to a parade this morning. Thankful no one got run over by a float while diving for candy. No seriously–my kids were not diving for candy. BUT there were some who were. I officially think kids should be encouraged how to behave even at parades. The ones around us were like wild little animals–I kid you not…I’d never seen such. You can still act like a lady–even at a parade:) Sorry–no pictures of that fun–mommy was keeping the babies warm (it was SO cool this morning!).
Then it was soccer games all day. Thankful for dads who were willing to fill in for Brad and Richard. They BOTH coach 2 teams–(Laney and Parker’s–and our kids are on the same team too…and so fun they are in Africa together too!) With the coaches being gone–Christy and I had our sideline volume turned up a bit more, and we left happy that both teams won! that they had so much fun playing! Alright, I confess–Christy and I also like to win:)
Here’s some action captured from the sideline…
Our girls getting it done!

Setting up in midfield…

This 4 year old rocked it out today…(Brad–you would’ve been proud!)

And then after the game–the parents formed a victory tunnel for them to run through…STILL UNDEFEATED!

AFTER THAT GAME…it was time for the NEXT game!!! This was one I could NOT be quite in!!! P’s team is also undefeated–they haven’t lost a game since Richard and Brad started coaching together a couple of years ago–and today was a CLOSE ONE! Oh the boys would have been so bummed if we had lost while they were in Africa!!! BUT thankfully they’ll be able to give each other high fives on Zambia soil on today’s game–and hopefully again next Saturday too! Christy and I were again a little O.O.C. on the sidelines during this game too…alright–much more at this game too:)

THEN tonight–Holly and I (my most favorite 23 year old in the WHOLE wide world) took the kids to see a 3D movie! “Dolphin Tale” which is based on a TRUE story (love those!) about a dolphin who loses his tail but not his fighting spirit.

I told Holly it’s essentially about a special needs dolphin! Alright–that might sound crazy…but the kids liked it! Frankie baby refused to wear the 3D glasses though so he just looked at the blurry screen as if he needed glasses and didn’t want anything on his head! I’ll say this movie is really cheesy–but has some great discussion opportunities…a little too heavy on the loss/grieving/death topics for kids my kiddos ages–but all ones we have discussed with our children so they were really more into Winter the dolphin. I think it’s super cook they can see the REAL Winter right now on a live web-cam! You can check it out HERE.
While I was getting ready for bed tonight–I couldn’t help but reflect on the truths that HALF of my day was typical of other families across the world and the other half…was full of privilege. Today–other mommies around the world cheered their little ones on in sporting games…played with their families and did some of the dailies that I, too, did…laundry, cleaning after littles, taking care of their babes an spending time with friends. BUT with my husband in Africa and how DIFFERENT our dailies are RIGHT now…I couldn’t help but think of the other half that is SO different.
I took my kids to a parade. I would’ve even been bummed if we had missed it…because we almost did. I took my kids tonight to see a movie–and spent more for all of us to get in and have dinner than most families in the world make in a month. (I did make my kids drink water…isn’t asking them to drink water not living in excess??? This WAS a special outing and not a regular even for our crew–but still…isn’t it SO easy to realize what privilege we live in?!!!!!! I turned on water to brush my teeth…in my HOUSE…in my OWN bathroom. I put CLEAN sheets on MY OWN bed in my OWN bedroom…warm sheets…right out of MY DRYER which is in a LAUNDRY ROOM with another machine for washing clothes. THIS IS SUCH ABUNDANCE!!! I’m typing this from my LAPTOP…without cords because I have wireless for my convenience…and the list goes on. While my first inclination is to say, “Thank you Lord for all you have provided” and turn off the light without thinking about it again and sleeping peacefully…I really don’t want to sleep that easily–and instead remember as I lay down to pray for the millions who do not have conditions that even come remotely close to ours. And to ask Him–how can you use me to use what I have to make a difference in the life of another???
Please pray for Richard, Brad and their other traveling buddy David. Pray for safety and protection–and that they would get much done in the ministry this week as they serve. I sure miss my man–but I rest knowing exactly where he is and I’m so, so thankful that he is there loving on the same children and widows that we were with just months ago. There is nothing like doing ministry with your husband AND other families that you love!!! Can’t wait to hear from them and update y’all!!!
by admin
Praying here in Virginia!!