Well done Natalie Grant. Oh my glory. I don’t often post videos–but I on iTunes downloading songs for my daughter…and I some how ran across this new recording by Natalie Grant. I just have to share. Natalie truly knocks it out of the park heart and soul with this one with every word and emotion showing a mother’s heart for her children. My only head’s up–you need a box of tissues to get through this one. If you avoid closing your eyes thinking about your children you will do a much better job not losing it;)
Just beautiful. So many times we will have to “leave the room” and trust them into His care…over and over and over again. And on our knees…we will be for them. The ending–so beautiful too. The fear I struggle with when I think about what would happen if I even left this world early is–would they be okay?? I would be–as I would be in His presence. But as moms we just have to trust that He would be enough for them–and He would watch over and care for them…when we leave the room. He is enough. Oh my…without further adieu you must listen to this…
Or you can go and watch it directly on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-cpPBNEACE
So thankful and blessed to get to be a mom to my loves.
So thankful for this most beautiful gift of mommy hood. Worth it.
by admin
I just listened to this after my first time leaving my 4 precious gifts home alone all day by themselves as I am having to be at the hospital with my momma. “Leaving the room” was not easy on this momma’s heart today, but necessary in my faith walk. I am a bit choked up right now. Two of our children (our 17 and 12 year old are new to our family). Our two biological children are 13 and 11. I stand in awe of His faithfulness. I cannot understand how He makes all things work together, but He does. Especially in our wildly beautiful, hard, breath-taking, mind-losing at times, situation. This song from beginning was beautiful. Thank you for posting this.