This weekend brought on all kinds of fun at the Young house! One of my bestfriends is getting married in Nashville in September…the very weekend that we officially “break” the cocoon;). Of course we’ll break ‘er slowly…but Isaac Temesgen will be making a short appearance in the back of the church while mommy walks down the aisle. I had to slip away for just a few to help host her shower here in Georgia—and it was my first time away from little ITY…I thought it better for him to stay with daddy than to be gobbled up by a bunch of ladies at the shower…because we ALL know he is a ladies man! He is also bound to be quite the cook as he did help me in the kitchen! While I bolted from mixer to oven, he made music and of course cookin’ took longer because I couldn’t help but join him on the floor and capture my cutie in action…Seriously…there were moments that I literally just held my breath as I am overwhelmed with thankfulness that God would choose US to be this precious ones parents!!! Oh my—I’m just SMITTEN and IN LOVE!
Rico Suave was at church with the other 3 while we cooked…and it’s a wonder I got anything done with his cuteness!
And WHAT exactly were we cookin? WELL…lemme tell ya! We made the most DELISH dip-dip you have EVER tasted! Oh my! Vidalia onions, mayo, cream cheese, bacon…YUM…
And then we whipped up my friend Carla’s quick recipe with sausage…the secret’s in the sauce my friends…
We had PLENTY left over from the shower so Rich and the kiddos got to enjoy too…and we’re still munchin’ on the peach cobbler we whipped out last week…YUM…
NOW…I KNOW you’d love these recipes??? RIGHT?! Well…they happen to ALL be in the Wiphan Cookbook!
I’ve gotten several emails over the weekend from folks wanting ideas how they can better serve widows. THIS IS ONE! Wiphan Care purchased about 600 cookbooks and we need to sell them ALL! They are ONLY $25 each—and these would make incredible gifts…so if you order 1—just go ahead and order a few more and you’ll end up saving money on shipping…because I know when you see it you’ll want more! The cool thing about these is that not only are there AMAZING recipes–but when you put this on your counter I have no doubts your guests will inquire about Wiphan. AND it’ll be an easy opportunity for YOU to share about orphans and widows to guests! AND in the beginning of EACH section there is a highlight on one of our orphans or widows. Wiphan Care REALLY needs to sell these cookbooks to enable more people to go over to train the widows and staff…and of course love on the 450 orphans that attend the program. Will you consider purchasing 1 or 2 or 3…or even 4?! You can learn more at or go directly HERE to purchase a cookbook! (It’s seriously my new favorite as it’s full of yummy, easy recipes!)
After our cookin’ session—I OF COURSE had to take Isaac Temesgen in my front room full of yummy natural light. I know, I know…I’m once again pushing it putting a boy in smocked—but all my boys had to endure this and I am a Southern momma! And I did get clearance from Momma Nisia which that is all that matters;) HOW SWEET is that face?!
Why do the BOYS always get the eyelashes?!
And last but NOT least…as you know we are limiting guests during our cocoon phase—and we had the joy and pleasure of welcoming a family from Nashville into our cocoon while they were in town…another AGCI family–the Galbreath family! They are on the waitlist for up to THREE siblings between the ages 0-6 (their youngest is 6!) LOVE this family and it was so refreshing to be with another family who “gets it” and is making room in their home and hearts!!! Thank you for coming to see us Candi and crew…and can’t WAIT to watch your beautiful journey unfold!
NOW…to recover from our weekend of no sleep! Isaac Temesgen has decided that sleep at night isn’t that important. Thankfully, I bought a lot of coffee while in Ethiopia and it’s really good:). Thankfully, last night instead of crying we were bonding singing together—I make a little tone and he repeats it while cuddled up together…much better than crying. We’re getting there slowly but surely…and one day—I’ll even miss him waking me in the middle of the night…right;)?!
by admin
Okay…those dishes looked yummy…just bought a cookbook… and will probably be back for gifts!!
Just LOVE seeing your sweet boy!!
YAY! Thank you Sallee! You are the BEST!
Love my Wiphan cookbook (and t-shirt)! Love seeing pics of your beautiful baby boy! Love that we have such a wonderful “family” in AGCI!
Just got my cookbook! 🙂
oh, i love my wiphan cookbook too:). and i love your boy’s smiles – cannot get enough – keep posting those pics:)
So you skip church too while you are cocooning, or is it just this wk b/c of the shower. I have such mixed feelings over doing that (and this is for OUR family, not judging yours, of course…I admire you so much!)…b/c on one hand yes, I want our baby to have that attatchment period, but the other part of me wonders…will church really harm her that much? I would be “wearing” her at all times and such if we did…I just think it would be bad for us as parents not to go?!?! Anyway…would love your imput on that since I know at this point you have done far more research on the subject than I have.
BTW – yes Isaac is simply adorable and yes those cheeks are kissable and yes those eyes melt my heart! =) Keep sharin’ the pics, I love ’em!
Love the cookbook Andrea! I bought one for myself and a bunch of extras for gifts!!! My kiddos were asking about t-shirts…will have to do that next.
Hi Andrea! What a cutie pie Isaac and your other children are!!! So precious!!!! I would like to order a cookbook, how do I do that?? Thanks so much! Bobi Bobbitt