Spring is in the air–and there is nothing more fun than getting the kids out and doing something as a family…AND with friends!!! Do you ever think, “Gosh–I want to do SOMETHING for the sake of orphans…but I’m not sure what WE could do?!”
Well, here is an AMAAAZZIIIIINNNG (AMAZING!) opportunity!!!
Children (young and old;) throughout the country will be joining efforts through CUPCAKES on April 16, 2011. Yes, you heard that RIGHT…through CUPCAKES. Last year, 60Feet (an AMAZING new ministry in Uganda–if you don’t know about 60Feet then you MUST…and after you visit their website HERE–come back here and see how you can join the cupcake force with us on April 16th!)

You can read about how to join this effort and host a sale of your own on April 16 by going HERE. SERIOUSLY–I can’t think of a better way to involve kids in making an impact–something FUN and practical that THEY can do…and an incredible way to raise awareness at the same time!!!
NOW…whether you host a sale or NOT–you can help by purchasing one of the CUPCAKE tees (there’s one for all!) And there’s also SixtyFeet tees–that you can purchase to help raise awareness too–with of course all proceeds going toward the ministry! AND if you are hosting a tee–HOW FUN would it be to have your little busy bees all in THIS gear!!!

They have YUMMY applique shirts for the girlie girls…of course these would be cute for birthday parties and such too…and all proceeds toward an amazing ministry!
AND of course if you are already going ALL out your mommy team might as well gear up TOO in these…
Last put not least–the FIRST SixtyFeet tee…and you can have the pleasure of telling others what SixtyFeet is all about when strangers ask! LOVE this…
You can purchase the T-shirts HERE!
We just love this ministry and can’t say enough about the team of folks that God has brought together to run it. I LOVE that they all live in my city–and we get to do life together. SO thankful for them…and so excited to share them with you!!! OKAY–so if you are going to host a sale–I would LOOOVE to know! So who’s in?!
A few things you must know…I discovered this morning that the leprechaun traps my kids set up did not work. P and L were both very sad this morning to run outside and see them empty. P, however, was certain that they played on his slide (and I was certain P’s dad wouldn’t be excited when he saw what P tore off the house to use AS a slide for a leprechaun)…

We had lots of green for dinner on St.Patty’s day…including green whoopie pies for dessert…

AND then…this morning (just after mourning empty leprechaun traps) we dressed Loo up like Little Bo Peep for her nursery rhyme debute…

We were so proud of her performance (I’ll have to upload that later!) and my how this girl adores her daddy…and how proud we were of her!

AND special thanks from Frank to the mom who brought donuts to the performance for all to eat. You made a very happy audience member…

That’s all folks! Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!!! We’ve got a big, fun one ahead–so I’m sure there will be lots of pictures to follow on Sunday! NOW…go mark your calendars for April 16th and get geared up for fun cupcake sales ALL over the country!!! Frank is sure to be excited about this one!
by admin
I love watching you do life so beautifully!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
We’re doing cupcake sales in Missouri!
We are hosting one April 15th at Guardian Angel Preschool in Florida 🙂 We are getting as many families and children involved as possible, both in making and buying!!!!
We’re having a sale with all of my neighbors in Birmingham on April 16!! Can’t wait!