Still waiting to hear from AGCI whether our home study is approved or needs revision. I left my cell phone in my car for a few hours yesterday simply so I could actually “live life” a little and not walk around waiting for water to boil and waiting for my cell to ring. I finally sent an email to Christy just “checking in”…now I’m THAT client;). Sorry, I just can’t help it…I’m so anxious to mail this sacred dossier in and no longer worry about it becoming a coloring book for my almost 4 year old and 5 year old.
On a very humbling, touching and sweet note—I am reminded to BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING, PRAY UNCEASINGLY and by prayer and petition submit my requests to God. Be anxious for nothing and the adoption journey do not go well together. For those of you adopting…can I get an AMEN?! I’m so thankful for the friends that God has put in my life who put prayer before me when my flesh and heart get ahead of what really is most important. I have a dear kindred spirit and heart-sister/friend that God put in my life as few years ago. I met Addie as a photography client and now she is one my bestest friends. She has felt led to pray every month for our baby–and we’ll be meeting on Fridays…the first Friday of every month to pray for the month ahead and for our baby. My sister, April, also joins her in this desire and I’m so thankful.
April and Addie both are on the Wiphan board and having these two sisters in Christ and bestfriends in my life who know Africa, the orphan crisis and ME so well makes for such a strong support system. They have cried with me, laughed with me, put me in my place and now they are sacrficing a Friday every month (WHILE THEIR BABIES ARE IN PRESCHOOL…mommas you know how sacred this time is!!!) to pray for our baby! WOW! That is the love of God right there pouring out into my life and our baby’s life!!! I may not be able to carry our baby in my tummy…I may not be able to take prenatal vitamins to ensure he is healthy…I may not be able to make monthly visits to the doctor to make sure he is okay–but the truth of the matter is really NONE of these things promise you a healthy baby! I am learning NOW (finally!) to TRUST the LORD in new ways for the care of my baby and children! GOD IS THE ONLY ONE!!! He is the only one who can protect my baby, see that he is fed daily and keep him well!!! This is also true for the children He has already given me. Now why do I think I have some control over the ones I have here or that I carried?! Jesus, help us as mommies rely MORE on YOU!!! Teach us that only you can protect our children!!! OH…that we would cry out to you on their behalf and not trust in doctors or ourselves!
On a sweet note, my bestfriend Kelly emailed me this week as she wants to come pray with us monthly but of course many of my friends have babies that aren’t in preschool yet and she will join us in prayer from afar:). She has been praying for our baby with her son Luke who is just 4. Here is his sweet cry out to the Lord night before last on behalf of our baby:
Luke prayed tonight…..”Be with Ms. Andrea when she gets that baby in Africa and help them find him a bed. Be with them as they fly over there. I’m not sure if Laney and Parker will go too. Maybe they will stay with their Nana.”
SO SWEET! Wow, this baby in Africa is not only drawing our hearts closer to the Lord but also the hearts of babes. Thank you Jesus for the power of prayer. Thank you that you hear us when we cry out to you. And thank you that YOU know our baby—that you created him—and YOU—ONLY YOU—can protect him, keep him well and bring him safely home to us. What do we have to fear? What do we have to worry about? Nothing when you are our God! Praise Him! Praise Him! He alone is worthy…and worthy to be praised!
by admin
How gracious of God to bring such faithful prayer warriors into your life!
Praising Him,