Bahahah! Y’all. I meant the title to say and a Ho, ho, ho. You know it made you laugh;). Or just really curious about this post. I realized I left out some KEY photographs that MUST be entered in my blog2print book! When you see how we dress up our kids for the Thanksgiving table. Um. You will see why:) So–this bunch is my kiddos + my nieces:

Precious kids. And they aren’t the only ones that dress up for the table;) Proud of the husbands.

My brother-in-law might kill me. But my sister thinks I’m funny–so it’s okay to share;)…
This sister of mine is just 14 months older. We have another side-kick sister but she is in California and we sure missed her craziness added to our crazy.

Our grandmother who can run circles around all of us came up too. She thinks we’re all nuts probably…but at least we make her laugh…

Doesn’t she look amazing!!?? She is up and at ’em and so independent still. It’s been almost 20 years since my Granddaddy Frank passed away–and she has pressed forward so gracefully with such strength. (When I think of her…I smell Spearmint gum and hear “It Is Well With My Soul” in her sweet voice…aren’t the things we think of some times the sweetest?) She had such fun watching the children–her GREAT grandchildren…

If you’ve never seen an Ethiopian Indian lasso a turkey–well you haven’t lived people. It’s a sight to behold…

A tissue paper fire is the PERFECT thing to roast him over once that turkey is caught too…

So those are just a few Thanksgiving highlights. Can you tell my sister and I grew up playing lots of dress up and still love it;)? Poor Laney–this is how I showed up to volunteer at there hybrid homeschool where she goes 2 days a week in between our homeschool days…

I think we are giving our kids PLENTY of “remember that time” story starters for later in life;)
Right after Thanksgiving came Nutcracker for us. Our Loo-bear is a dancer, and she’s a 6th year ballerina at an amazing dance studio here. She dreams of being the Sugarplum fairy and being in the company. I was certain with having 4 brothers she’d be a tom-boy. But she’s 100% ballerina and as dainty as they come. Cameras aren’t allowed in the theatre on the show nights–but they do let mommas snap pictures during dress rehearsal. This year, our little ballerina was in the Arabian scene as a parrot.

She was in and out in what seemed like a FLASH. But she loves it–and she says if she works hard…one day she’ll be Clara and the Sugarplum:) She told me a few weeks ago, “Mom. Do you know how to spell arms??? B-A-C-K. Look mom. It’s all in your back. Strong back–strong arms.” She stood poised with her arms out strong and beautifully. That’s some training this momma never received. You go girl…I don’t get the dancing or the lingo–but I’m glad you love it:) Love my ballerina!
In the midst of the Nutcracker, our ballerina had a birthday. I usually have these at home–BUT I thought this year…with Nutcracker FILLING our first few weekends–maybe we’d get out. So–we invited 10 of our dearest homeschool friends to join us at the American Girl store for a sweet lunch birthday party. It was really worth it and a lot of fun.

And Laney with her God momma who has been one of my best friends since before I was a momma…

Oh my. This is turning into the longest update ever. But I know I’ll forget these days if I don’t document them:) So after Nutcracker and birthdays…came pictures with Hohoho…

And of course Loo has a tight bun as we raced from a Nutcracker performance to make “Claus for a Cause” where my friend Christy Elphick’s family has Santa come to their home for a day and raise money for Wiphan in Africa that day. Oh my first babies just melt me…

THEN the next weekend (last weekend)–we took the kids to Stone Mountain Park for a little fun! AND Zeke’s FIRST snow! (Alright–so it’s machine made snow–but snow is snow to a 2 year old:)

THEN…came lunch with mom–and Laney (and Parker’s!) last week of school…

So after a year at a hybrid homeschool where they went for 2 days a week–we made the decision to go back to 100% homeschool (adding just electives from music lessons, Orton Gillingham tutoring and Timothy Ministry elective day 1x per week). It was really hard teaching kids that are JUST 14 months apart 2 completely different curriculums when they really could be doing the same history, science, Bible, etc. Instead–I found myself running from room to room to help them complete totally different curriculums–and in many ways–the purpose of homeschooling (being together, learning together, being on our own pace) was just being defeated. It was more like a private school 2 days a week–and 3 days of lots of homework–and this momma who loves to teach just wanted to be creative again and teach–and have flexibility to go ahead when we grasp a concept or stay back when we need to learn more. I will confess that I have LOVED having 2 days to recharge–but ultimately the 3 days home was taking more out than the recharge was giving–and I felt as if the Lord was calling us to SLOOOOOW back down, focus on our family and just take one day at a time…TOGETHER. So…here we go–yet again…on another trusting adventure with 100% homeschool again.

I truly have the most resilient and gracious children in the world–always along for the ride the Lord calls us to. When you bring home a toddler–there are easy things–but there are also hard things. Lately, we’ve had to go to a lot of doctor visits–give up lots of sleep–and just remain really flexible as a family. We’ve felt so stretched lately–and each change brings often excitement…along with a bit of sadness that things just are hard some times. I know for our family–we need SIMPLICITY so we can connect and kind of huddle together as a family. I am no supermom–and having trying to teach 2 different curriculums with a new one on my hip and with 2 preschoolers running in circles around us was causing this mom to fail miserably as a mom. I feel like now we can kind of go at our own pace…just one day at a time. That’s just where we are right now. Because tomorrow has enough of it’s own.
Now…off to finish packaging the “Fight Like a Girl” tees for Miss Lola in Michigan who is fighting childhood cancer strong and hard!! I’ve never had the pleasure to meet her in person–or even her mom for that matter…but her mom and I connected years and years ago through photography and adoption–and having 5 some what healthy children…it was a joy to do these shirts and run this fundraiser for her. Thank you to everyone who purchases these tees to help Lola in her fight agains childhood cancer! They are off first thing on Monday morning!!

My little work station tonight…

P.S. Milestone tonight! (We might have missed a lot the first 2 years…so we count our milestones a bit differently over here;). TONIGHT…first HOT COCOA!

by admin
Zeke is looking like such a big boy and not so much like a baby! What a fun Thanksgiving. The pictures are great!
First time to comment! I loved all the photos, we are starting our adoption journey in 2014, so I am always looking for others who have been there done that! You have a beautiful family! What a blessing 🙂