My how good the Lord is to us! I am humbled and so thankful that two of my bestfriends spent two hours of their KID-FREE morning at my house to pray for our adoption, our baby’s birth mother, our baby and our family during our adoption process. Thank you April and Addie for being such amazing friends and sisters (Addie might as well be one of our biological sisters…we’ve adopted her as one of the girls that’s for sure). I love you both dearly.
Our time together (I hope they don’t mind me sharing!) was intimate and sweet. It was a sweet time of vulnerability…and I look forward to the day when our child is old enough to read through the blog book we are creating from his journey…to see how much he was loved from the beginning and even how others loved him so. Sweet child, Aunt April and Aunt Addie love you to pieces already—and they haven’t even laid eyes on you yet! Amazing how God does that—and how much He loves you too…hard to imagine that He (the Lord) loves you more than we do because we all love you so much already that it hurts!!! WE LOVE YOU SOOO! Such a miracle that God is doing in our hearts making us ache to have you home with us!
This morning was filled with sweet laughter and also heartfelt tears. Our prayers today were mostly for your birth mother. How I know she loves you. And how we also love you. I am praying that God will bind our hearts together as mommies. That God some how can transfer some of my heart’s joy to her and some how transfer some of her burden and pain to mine. As I prayed this this morning, my heart was broken. I know it is a miracle the Lord is doing. God loves you so much sweet one that He gave you two mommies! One mommy to safely bring you in this world and to give you life here…to love you as she carried and nursed you…and to love you so much that she will be brave enough to admit in her illness or poverty that in order for you to live and have a future…she will chose unselfishness and a greater love–and intrust you into the Lord’s care through another mommy and daddy. Did you know that God did the same thing? Only it was *US* that He loved so much. He knew if He gave up His Son to live on Earth, we would have the opportunity to be adopted as sons and daugethers through Christ. I know it pained Him deeply to let Him come here. To think of Joseph as the one to hold him and heal his hurts instead of Him getting to be RIGHT there in flesh with him. But it was God’s plan. And God understands. He really, really understands because He has actually been there. You becoming part of our family—is also part of the master plan. It may not be perfect. It may not always be easy. But there IS a purpose. And mommy admits that she doesn’t know what that purpose is…but she knows her Savior, her ABBA Father, is the brillant mind behind your story and the one calling her to you—and I don’t know much, but as different as it may look…it feels right and I know the Maker has made me to be your other mommy and part of your beautiful story. There have been so many things in my life sweet child that I have been uncertain of—but YOU are not one of them. I am 100% completely certain you are meant to be and are already mine—babe of my heart. How loved you are by so many! And what a plan the Lord must have for you!!!
And with that I open up my hands to say—thy will be done. THY WILL BE DONE! I will not put my finger on this one today—I may in my sin try to rush things or have control things, but today in praise and trust I will wait patiently and pray for God’s will to be done. You my sweet son are worth fighting for. I love you to pieces, and can’t wait to have you home. Forever.
by admin
That is amazing! What wonderful friends 🙂 Praise God for great people to stand with you in your calling to your son!!!!!
I am glad you had such a special time today. Maybe I will be able to join you one Friday!