Valentine’s day makes me think of the FIRST day I met my 4th child!!! Why you ask?? WELL…he was wearing THIS on June 27, 2010 when I held him for the FIRST time! Made me smile seeing that bib on him in June!
SO thankful for our littles. I thought about that picture and then at dinner time tonight–I just had to take a quick snap shot of Isaac folding his sweet little hands during our dinner prayer…7 months after that picture up there was taken–he is now snuggling to mommy (that took 6 months), he gives me kisses (love!), he holds Frank’s hand in the car (another picture you have to see), and he watches us and loves to do what we do…love his sweet little praying hands…
BUT I need to rewind to make you all LAUGH about “a day in the life” with ME. Oh my. Seriously–some times I have people say…like today in the Publix parking lot, “I don’t know how you do it.” WELL…lemme make you laugh–it’s not pretty. And there are PLENTY of mommas who have much more than this chick does on her plate. (Let me also add that it helps when you resort to paying someone to come do your laundry weekly. YES–this mom knows where she needs help. I don’t need a housekeeper…it never is clean so I don’t really need it to be clean for a few hours. I don’t need take-out…Rico Suave and I love to cook. SO we looked at what we don’t like–and it’s laundry…so there ya go–I don’t do laundry! SO…I am NOT superwoman by any means…I mean, I don’t do laundry for one!) I also have a good time making due with what I’ve got. FOR EXAMPLE…(funny, funny story ahead…can’t you tell:)
This morning after seeing Parker and Laney off to carpool with Daddy (yep–there ya go…something ELSE I don’t do! Daddy takes the older kids to school EVERY day!), I had my cup of coffee and got the babies up. Not good when I walked in nursery #1. Seriously needed a gas mask. Oh my. SO…I start looking for diapers. No diapers. Oh no!!! Walk in nursery #2–thank goodness–no gas mask needed. Take babies downstairs–search every diaper bag in the house for diapers. SO HAPPY I FOUND TWO!!!! Now, I can go run errands, go to the grocery, and get diapers before needing to be at 11am Valentine’s party at kid’s school. Change first baby. All is good…UNTIL first baby has a blow out in clean diaper before I can even change baby #2. Sooooo…I change baby #1 AGAIN and decide to use 2nd diaper on him since he is the youngest and I THINK I can convince baby #2 since he just turned two not to wet his pants until I can buy diapers.
SO…since baby #2 loves Thomas the Train…I run upstairs and get these to pump him up and get him excited and our game today will be “Do not tee-tee on Thomas”…
Can you imagine me trying to tell a newly 2 year old who doesn’t talk he’s going to wear Thomas today and whatever he does–not to get Thomas wet?! (Okay…if your kid was potty trained at 14 months I don’t want you to comment because you make this story less funny;). BUT FOR REAL—my 2 year old who has never gone potty will need to learn how not to at least until I can get to store.
SO…I get to store FINALLY…I sang quietly the whole time “Don’t tee-tee on Thomas…no, no–you don’t wanna–no, no…don’t tee-tee on Thomas” (it had a cool tune and EVERYTHING)–and then at the check out FINALLY…and then…NO WALLET. Oh my. Back in van–jet set home…get wallet…back to store. Get groceries. Get stopped in parking lot–someone asking about adoption…make the most of every opportunity–stick my head in the van in between conversation to sing the song again…realize we are late for Valentine party…jet set to school–forget Frank the Tank is just wearing Thomas. Get to party…get all the Valentine’s goodies…get stopped in hall to talk about Frank’s Wiphan Warthog Waddle video–the boy is a hit where ever you go!!! Get everyone in the car. WE MADE IT. And all the way home…
AND I even looked in the back to make sure Thomas wasn’t wet one time at a redlight–and saw THIS. MELT. MY. HEART. SWEET!
I turned around on the way home and asked him if Thomas was wet and he said, “No wet Thomas.” And then we walked in the house—and big boy made his first trip to the potty!!! So proud of him–and our craziness made me realize that just maybe he is ready to potty train!!!
SOOOO…then after lunch–babies went down for naps but as soon as they woke up it was WHOPPIE PIE time!!! (Thank you Mama Judy for the Whoppie Pie tray and mix!)
We made heart shaped Whoppie Pies for dessert tonight…
And the KIDS put everything together…
The reason I am okay with making really big messes and not doing it myself??? This face and the JOY in it says the mess is worth it!
And of course the afterwards part they love too!
Daddy got home JUST IN TIME too!
Making the filling gave us just enough time to let these cool down…
SO. SO. GOOD! And then…my sweet hubby pulled a surprise out that he had brought us…CUPCAKES! SOOO…lots of sweetness at our house tonight! Oh…to be a kid at the Young house…or an adult for that matter too! And we have room for more too:). Sooo…we make due some times around here with no diapers…I survive by not doing laundry and making things like Whoppie Pies instead…and I truly feel like we live each day to it’s fullest!!! AND I also don’t answer my phone hardly ever…which may be very annoying to my friends–but thankfully my dearest girlfriends get me, understand my crazy and love me anyway!!! Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s!!!!!!!
Last but NOT least. I am advocating for a 3 year old little boy in Uganda. If you know a family who is paper ready for a little boy who needs a loving family–please contact me through my contact page. We are praying we find a family for him this week!!!
by admin
What a fun day, Andrea! Love the craziness…makes me feel “normal!” Your family is precious!
In all your craziness of the day, you forgot to finish buckling Frankie Baby in his car seat. It sounds to me as though he is definitely ready to potty train. Yeah Frank! I’ve had many days like that, too many I am afraid. Glad to see I am not the only one making a mad dash for diapers and then realize once I get all 5 kids in the store that my debit card is AT HOME! Ahh, these are the days!
Well, now you know how I potty train. No joke-one day we run out of diapers and it is at that time *I* feel like, hey, I think you are ready to be potty trained. (Okay, I know, not the way you are SUPPOSED to do it!) and the kids just live up to their expectations. Haha, well, usually. Or I just don’t care if they have an accident, I become master at silly songs and have to apologize to my friends for my kid peeing on their carpet. Now you know how THIS momma potty trains. You should try it sometime. Leaves room for lots of laughing. 😉 (but my kids were potty trained at 18 months because of this philosophy. Is that child abuse?)
I am sooo laughing right now….because I would have totally done the same thing 🙂 he he he he….oh bless….I think I might fall out of my chair just thinking about it. But that picture of your boys- MELTING MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok and had to tell you we are posting our Journey to Jonathan on utube…in parts 🙂 Anywho…it brought up “similar” videos and guess whose came up? OH YEAH- yours and we watched it and I cried and I TOTALLY LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw that bib 🙂
Much Love from the crazy Wrights 🙂 Oh yeah by the way I don’t do laundry either- my hubby and kiddos do….thank the Lord because otherwise I don’t think I could do what I do- for real!!
I love reading your blog! Thank you SO much for the wonderful tools you share with adoptive Mommas! I had just started reading the Connected Child when I saw your links to the Empowered to Connect site and have been listening to her talks this week. They are so encouraging and are full of so much wisdom! Just wanted to say, “thanks!”
Oh goodness… what a blog post! Just love it and could not read enough of these! Sounds like some of my days and makes me know I’m not alone! 🙂 Would seriously like to know how you clean though, because I know you must – I’ve seen pictures of your house and it looks neat and gorgeous and filled with breakable stuff that would never last here! 🙂 You are amazing. 🙂
Love your diaper disaster! And that baby F kept Thomas dry!!! I’m inspired to try that trick today 🙂
I just love you! “Don’t tee tee on Thomas”. Loved getting to hear that first hand. And Go Frank, great job!! Thank you for taking time to chat with me in the midst of all this!!!! You’re just so much fun.
Teee heee your story made me smile. I can totally imagine myself doing that!
But it also reminded me of yet another reason I LOVE cloth diapering– besides the money saving, landfill saving (1 kid in disposables= a ton of waste which takes 500 years to decompose. That’s ONE kid. ONE KID!!!), and bonuses for the kid… there’s’ not ever the “oh no I’m out of diapers!!!” panic. 🙂
So… maybe you might wanna consider them! Kawaii baby ( has reallly inexpensive diapers which are workhorses; even if you just did 1/2 cloth, 1/2 disposables, you’d save a ton of money and do so much for the planet. Just a thought! 🙂