A hidden treasure…If you have never read or heard of this book—the girls I have shared it with describe it as a “must read”, “the best mom book I have read in awhile” and “this is my NEW gift to every new mom…I think it should be required reading for mommies!”. It is out of print, so it’s hard to find—but if you hit Amazon or ebay at the right time you might get lucky and find one for under $30. If you see one, snag it…and yes–the $150 ones you see are for real. This book is now considered a collector’s item because of it’s demand and being out of print.
Today’s Reading: Job 15:1 – 18:21
Chapter 15 – Did Eliphaz seriously just call Job a windbag? Man, we have the serious name calling going on now. Poor Job. As if he needs any more drama in his house…now we have his three friends throwing him under the bus for no reason other than assuming Job’s life has turned bad because he must be sinful. What a good reminder to not be judgemental of other’s circumstances—whatever they are…whether they are successful in business or years without work. Help us Lord to look at other’s hearts and help us to see others AS YOU SEE THEM.
Chapter 16 – Job’s response to Eliphaz – Can’t you just hear Job’s confidence, honesty and even hurt in this chapter? “What stinky comforters you are. Guys, if we were to switch places…I could just as easily say everything you are saying—but I would encourage you instead.” Sounds to me like Job is doing a little too much reflecting on others and their resonse to him. He is hurt and is starting to repeat his feelings all over again. It’s so easy though to get defensive when someone questions us—we want them to know the REAL us, to know our hearts and understand really where we are coming from.
Chapter 17 – Job is starting to really get his friends get to him, “Lord, I’m surrounded by mockers…oh Lord–please defend me and show them really who I am” he seems to be saying here. Do I care more about how I look to others than the Lord’s will being done? Am I willing to give up all things here for the sake of doing His will? Job says his hope is no longer in this world, but in death. He just wants his misery to be OVER. I can’t identify with Job as I’ve never lost all my family…been stricken with a disease…but I can understand why he is just tired and d-o-n-e. He’s tired. Frustrated. Just done. Every have those days, weeks or seasons? You just feel defeated. But I love what Shannon shared yesterday in the comments from a devotional she is currently reading—just in case you missed it…it’s must read, encouraging insight: ….”God gets His greatest victories out of apparent defeats.Very often the enemy seems to triumph for a little, and God lets it be so; but then He comes in and upsets all the work of the enemy, overthrows the apparent victory, and as the Bible says, ‘turns the way of the wicked upside down.’ Thus He gives a great deal larger victory than we would have known if He had not allowed the enemy, seemingly, to triumph in the first place.” We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Romans 5:3-5 Let us keep our hope in Him!
And we end today on Chapter 18 Bildad’s response…which just isn’t worth commenting on because…well, it’s just plain…not nice. Oh I hope I can be a constant encouragement to those who need it. Lord speak to our heart and help us to hear your voice and feel your prompting of the Spirit.
by admin
thanks for telling us about the book! I will have to look it up!
Chapter 15: Eliphaz has mistaken Job’s words of grief for words of pride. That is something we all need to be very careful of, because minimizing someone’s expressed grief could prevent them from moving from despair into hope and move on. Eliphaz is convinced that his theory is true: if you are godly you prosper, if you are ungodly you suffer. It may even seem logical to us today. It’s even an easy theory to believe in, as long as things are going our way. But when suffering does come our way and we can’t find a logical explanation, that theory will no longer offer any comfort. It’s a pretty callous way to approach someone’s suffering, so let’s be careful with our accusations.
Chapter 16: We all have known some “miserable comforters” in our life. I hurt for Job, it’s like being slapped when you are already down.
Chapter 17: My commentary says, “How frightening death can be to those who are unaware of God’s glorious hope.” Job is obviously not certain about God’s promise of eternal life. Fortunately we never have to despair, because we know that promise!
Chapter 18: Bildad wanted to know why Job disregarded his “friends” comments, when to us the answer seems so obvious: they didn’t know what they were talking about. They were adding to his suffering with unnecessary guilt. We need to remember to support our friends with words of comfort and love. God is the ultimate judge, not us.
I agree with your take on the reading today. Thank you for continuing to do this. It has helped keep me accountable & want to read so that I can share with all of you. It is amazing what God can do! Looking forward to seeing what ways He will bless us.