REVISIONS. Bleck. I don’t like that word. I had a feeling I’d hear it before it was over…and lemme just say for the record I don’t like it. SO…our submitted lab results didn’t have HIV results…after a few calls to our docs…it’s now done:). We have to put up fire detectors in every bedroom (they were just in the hallways) and create an evacuation plan. I’m on it, and it should all be cleared and sent through tonight. Evacuation plan…don’t you think everyone needs one of these?! Just created one and sent in!
Take 2 will start tomorrow. That’s Wednesday. And technically our agency has another 5-7 days to approve again…so technically they have 7 business days to approve again–which will be next Thursday at the latest (but you all know I’m hoping for sooner.) Fingers crossed this time is a “go” and we can mail in our dossier that may now be collecting some dust.
Again and again I am reminded that this is the Lord’s timing. But if you want me to be perfectly honest–after I got the revision news, I called a friend just to chat and instead I confessed to her I was tired and then just broke into tears. I am tired of the paper chase and just want to be waiting on a wait list. I’m tired of being asked to do yet another thing. And I’m tired of well…being tired. YET–it is part of labor pains, our journey and all of this work is just part of adoption. Just part of it. Yet, it is so miraculous.
I am reminded in this setback about my adoption in Christ. The Lord never gave up on me! He persued and persued until finally I was His daughter. OH…to think of the “setbacks” I gave Him as He persued me! How He must have cried. How *I* must have frustrated Him! Yet, He loved me with an undying love and did yet another thing and waited. He waited on the perfect time and led my heart to His. No matter how it pained. It wasn’t an easy road…for either of us–but it was perfect.
What a beautiful picture of our adoption in Christ when you think about it. I am amazed at the miracle of adoption and how we will do anything for a child we have never met…and love this baby already so passionately. To think Jesus loved me AND died for me before I was officially adopted as His daughter!!! ABBA FATHER! How good you are!!! Thank you for persuing me and loving me so much!
Romans 8:15 “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
by admin
Very encouraging! Thanks for making yourself vulnerable. I hate that you have to make revisions. I have my fingers crossed!
I'm sorry. So they reviewed our home study last Thursday and told us that a few things needed clarified. We sent in the clarifications and everything was taken care of on Friday morning and our dossier was reviewed that afternoon.
This means they are looking at it and I imagine you will still have your dossier in by the end of the week! I imagine that the few things they brought up this time are all the revisions they are requesting so I bet you are really really close. Hang in there!
My husband and I always laugh that when you go to the hospital to have a baby all they ask you is, "Do you have a carseat?" then they send you on your way. But when you adopt, there are dozens and dozens of loops to jump through, tests to be taken, and revisions to be made. Laugh your way through the journey as much as possible…I promise it is all worth it!! Keep pressing on! Can't wait to hear where you land on the wait list!