One of the goals in this house…is to simply have fun. And this girl–she just makes life fun. I can’t believe in just 2 1/2 short weeks she’ll be FIVE. Wow…how time flies. She is my heart…my girl…my sidekick in our house. There are too many things to count that I love about her…but I’ll say some of my favorites are her laugh, her passion for life and her overflowing joy. I’m olding on to the next 2.5 weeks of you being 4 girl!
Wish you a FUN weekend with those you love most!
by admin
Wow – she is so gorgeous Andrea! I am so excited to finally have a girl in this house =) I’ve been dreaming of it for SOO long.
PS – it seems we are awake that the same hours during night lately 😉 I always seem to catch your posts MINUTES after you post them, hehee!
Looks like my little four year old is only a week older than your little four year old! 🙂 Maybe one day Quinn will get to meet Laney and all her wonderfulness.
She is so precious!! So funny, because I posted on Caty today being my “little sidekick” too! 🙂